retaining compounds & heat


retaining compounds & heat

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  • #753719
    Ben atkinson

      I have tried searching but don’t seem to quite find the answer.


      I am building a model of a wall mounted steam engine (Rachel). The steam chest is approximately 2″ long and is not positioned near the boiler. Stan Bray suggests using retaining compound to secure the studding (for the chest and it’s cover) in the cylinder, rather than tapping all the holes. I am a fan of retaining compound but I have no experience of using it in a hot location. Loctite 638 is apparently good to 180 degrees C, whilst 620 is good to 200.


      Anyone have a view?


      Thanks in anticipation.

      Michael Gilligan

        A view : Those temperatures are reliable, which makes them at least as good as a ‘sweated’ solder joint



          well unles syou are expecting to be running in excess of 150psi of steam they should hold good as the cylinder will never get as hot as the steam.

          648 always used to be the high temp one but 638 has increased now. I have used 648 on steam and IC cylinders without problems.But for the sake of 10 tapped holes is it worth it? Could always make the end and middle ones full studs and the remaining 4 dummies if you are looking to save 5mins.


            It’s your engine so do it however you want and if Stan Bray recommends it, it must be ok however I would drill and tap the holes but that’s just the way I do things.

            Ben atkinson

              Thanks all for your helpful responses.

              Drill and tap it will be!

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