A bit over 20 years ago I started building Tubal Cain's 'Lady Stephanie'. After about 12 years I reached the painting stage, but then I moved house, and it all got packed up and forgotten. After yet another house move I found all the boxes again and have just decided to see if I can finish it. It stored pretty well, very little rust to be seen, but I have a problem with old oil gumming-up over time. I've already had one breakage of a rather vital 12 BA bolt (which means I'll have to re-make the part that bolt goes into) and I'd rather not have too many of those…
What's the best treatment to maximize the removal of gummy oil from small steel and brass parts before disassembly ? A soak in penetrating oil perhaps, or the application of heat ? Any suggestions will be gratefully received.
See http://www.bobunitt.me.uk/steph/steph.htm
Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 27/05/2015 19:44:02
Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 27/05/2015 19:44:51
Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 27/05/2015 19:45:30
Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 27/05/2015 19:46:30
Edited By Bob Unitt 1 on 27/05/2015 19:47:38