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    Neil Wyatt

      From time to time we get reports or PMs about postings or forum members that have upset or offended people.

      Over recent weeks we have received repeated complaints about some people being disrespectful to other forum members.

      This is not isolated incidents or poor judgement, but repeated behaviours.

      We have already taken action, and may take further action if this continues.

      Any use of this thread to name people will be deleted, if you wish to draw any postings to our attention, please use the 'report' button under the offending posting.

      We won't use this thread to log every action we take – normally we silently remove offending posts and/or have a quiet word with the poster. But these postings have upset enough people despite such messages that I think it is important that forum members are aware the moderators have acted.

      Thank you,


      Neil Wyatt
        Brian H

          Thanks Neil, it's good to know that someone is monitoring for unacceptable behavior.


          Former Member

            [This posting has been removed]

            Oven Man

              It does appear the the Covid lockdown is getting to people and tempers are very quickly getting fraid.


              old mart

                I confess to being one of the offenders, and appologise for my actions publically. Oven Man's post may be the reason contributing to my rants, it can be difficult when you cannot even go near the workshop to get on with your projects.

                My new years resolution will be to reserve my rants for the Home Shop Machinist forum where they are quite low key.

                Tim Stevens

                  It would be helpful to know what sorts of behaviour lead to complaint – and if there is any sort of filtering process at HQ in which some types of complaint are regarded as 'serious' (action follows) and others 'trivial' (ignored).

                  And is there a difference between members whose name is clear (like Neil Wyatt, for example) and those who prefer to use a pseudonym (such as Oven Man, old mart, etc)?

                  I ask against a background debate about anonymous postings on digital media, and how this allows offensive material to be posted without anyone being able, as it were, to send the boys round.

                  Cheers, Tim


                    User name does not come into it and who is to say that a name such as "Tim Stevens" is real or not.

                    Myself I will act on most as soon as I see them, if I feel it needs a second opinion I will leave the report there for Neil to see and if needed alert him to it by e-mail rather than wait until he happens along.

                    Former Member

                      [This posting has been removed]

                      Tim Stevens

                        My question about user names was perhaps in need of further comment. The question really is 'Regarding complaints of this nature, can HQ identify a difference between those who are completely open about who they are, and those who are not?' Currently, I am not aware of a validation process for what seems like an open identity, – but it seems that on other forums the fact that posters cannot be further identified does make a difference.

                        And in case anyone is interested, I can send a photo of my driving license, passport, etc. You will find that I really am who I say I am. If that is the case for everyone using this site, then my question about open naming may be irrelevant. Is it?

                        Regards, Tim

                        Frances IoM

                          BR the classic early internet cartoon shows a dog at a keyboard – speech bubble ‘on the internet nobody knows you are a dog’
                          Always remember that unless there is independent proof as to its veracity that any claim on any website can be totally untrue + should not be relied on – especially never make assumptions re names.


                            br When I said the name does not come into it we would treat any report the same and not really be anymore active against someone not using a proper name, as I said we really don't have a lot to enable us to check if that proper name is real or not.

                            In some cases the member may have entered a subscription number which would be a fall back to their details but even some subscribers don't enter their subs numbers particularly those with just a print subscription. Most members don't even bother with a country let alone a more specific address.

                            Former Member

                              [This posting has been removed]

                              Howard Lewis

                                From time to time there have been various bickerings on the Forum, but there have interchanges only been two to which I really took exception.

                                One poster calmed down and the the other I PM'd saying that biting off someone's head was not the way to get the help that they needed.

                                The response was to the effect that "I don't think that The Forum is for me" Their loss not ours, which is sad.

                                Generally, we can differ without resorting to pistols at dawn. Very often we learn in the discussion.


                                Bill Pudney

                                  I would like to make a slightly tongue in cheek suggestion. That all regular posters to this site, say those with more than 50 posts, be given the option of awarding a rating to other posters. Some of the possible awards that spring to mind are "Pompous Person", " Pedantic Possum", "Irritating Idiot", "Brilliant Contributor", "Balloon Burster" (the late John Stevenson comes to mind here).

                                  As someone who was recently accused of being insulting to another forum member, I am aware that this (tongue in cheek, remember) suggestion may ruffle a few feathers, which isn't really my intention. At the end of the day I presume that all of us are here because of a common interest….model engineering. If we cannot share a little humour, then so be it. That's our collective loss in my opinion.



                                  Howard Lewis

                                    The other side of Bill's coin is that it could turn into a "I'll scratch your back, if you'll scratch mine" mutual admiration society. Otherwise, WW3 might break out when some take umbrage at their rating and round on all the others.

                                    Let sleeping dogs lie would be my advice.

                                    The object of this thread appears to be to inform us that bad behaviour is will not be tolerated, and persistent offenders may be exiled.

                                    So lets not take off the safety catch, and risk friendly (or otherwise ) fire


                                    Neil Wyatt

                                      There are types of forum software that allow other members to 'react' to posts.

                                      Often only positive (like, thanks) or neutral (confused, sad) reactions are allowed.

                                      The 'positive' reactions in non-chat topics add to each user's 'reputation score'.

                                      This would be a nice feature to have here, as it does help identify those who consistently make positive contributions without penalising occasional posters or making them vulnerable to disgruntled users from 'picking on' someone.


                                      An Other

                                        I started posting on this site from the day it opened, originally under my real name, and enjoyed the opportunity to exchange info with like-minded people, as a longtime model enthusiast. However, it quickly degenerated into name-calling and abuse (not under the present Moderators), so I more or less stopped posting. Complaints apparently went unheard.

                                        I soon realised that I missed some of the feedback, so began to post again under a pseudonym, with no details. Once again this lasted for a few months, then I received some unpleasant comments, also by PM, from an individual who still posts on this site, apparently objecting because I preferred Linux to Windows, and was foolish enough to say so. surprise

                                        Once again I reeled my neck in, and kept a low profile – after all, who needs the aggro – not me!

                                        After a pause, once again some posts came up where I felt I could help, so I posted again…..and once again I was on the end of a posting from someone who considered I had offended him (and for the life of me, I still have no idea why – he did not respond to PMs). This got my back up, and I made an unwise posting in response to this individual – stupid, I know, but have you never got angry when dealing with a fool?

                                        I have also received sarcastic comments because I was posting under a pseudonym, and had no details in my profile – you can't make (XanyoneX) everyone happy these days.

                                        The consequence of all this is that now I rarely post at all, and and prefer to contact people I think I can help by PM. I lost something in all this, and for sure I have seen posts where I could make a positive contribution, but just can't be bothered now. All I wanted to do was get on with my hobby, and exchange info with like-minded people, and ME was one of the very few sites where this was possible – so why do destroy it for others.

                                        Full marks to Neil for instituting some control, although it would probably have got me knocked off the forum at one time, probably justifiably.

                                        I would also strongly support Howard Lewis " let sleeping dogs lie " – there seems little need for self-congratulatory reactions.


                                        Edited By An Other on 04/02/2021 17:58:06


                                          I understood any real name would be available for a/some moderators to view as it is included with my address in the Details section, also it is clear to those who have viewing rights from the Nickname option if you are using your real name.
                                          The moderators have already stated it makes no difference if someone uses their real name or a nickname so long may it continue.

                                          AN Other, don't feel bad about changing your posting name, I know of 1 other who has done the same but For different reasons.

                                          Before posting I always try to get my facts straight but have on occasions been corrected by others, not a problem to me as it's best to have the correct information posted, I thought that is what forums are for.


                                          Bill Phinn
                                            Posted by Neil Wyatt on 04/02/2021 15:19:12:

                                            This would be a nice feature to have here

                                            A "thanks" button would be a useful feature, I think, [though I'm happy to thank people using words myself] but I do hope the forum doesn't opt to have a "like" button enabled for any of its topics.

                                            I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in having felt no need for the presence of a like button in order to identify quite early on which forum members knew their stuff and/or frequently made positive contributions.

                                            The main problem with like buttons is that they have a tendency, at least on other forums I know, to be used for the wrong reasons [e.g. to take sides in a disagreement] as often as they're used for the right ones. The net result can be increased discord without any greater clarity than existed already as to who does or doesn't routinely make positive contributions.

                                            Frances IoM

                                              I suggest that if this MB is ever updated that emoijs be removed as these do not usually help any argument – your English should be sufficiently clear not to be mis-interpreted.

                                              However as a one time moderator of a family history board that even this could get posts from some with deranged minds who on being corrected resorted to a deluge of personal insults.

                                              Another problem with family history boards was that newbies having, to their own satisfaction ‘proved’ a descent reacted very badly when more experienced researchers pointed out the flaw – such reaction has been seen on this board and it is difficult to point out errors/misunderstanding to some people

                                              Bill Pudney

                                                The consensus seems to be that my award concept is not a good one. Which I think is a bit sad as it was intended to lighten the tone. However I can also see that it could, and probably would become an object of abuse, which is definitely not a good thing.

                                                So, stay safe



                                                Peter Greene
                                                  Posted by Bill Phinn on 04/02/2021 19:36:30:

                                                  The main problem with like buttons is that they have a tendency, at least on other forums I know, to be used for the wrong reasons.

                                                  First you have to get a consensus on what the "right" reasons are.


                                                    TractionTalk is the only forum that I am on that has a 'Thanks' button. I find it useful. One, to give thanks to a post, when I learn something, which is quite often. Two, it helps gauge my insouciant build diary. It takes time and effort to post, and if I got no thanks then it would say that I was wasting my time. On this, and other forums, with almost no feedback one is flying blind. Been there, done that, and lost control while flying in cloud. sad


                                                    Howard Lewis

                                                      I agree with Andrew Johnston that so many posts pose a question, and when provided with one or more solutions, only a minority provide feedback on what was a successful solution, and to even to say "Thanks" for the advice, so freely offered.


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