If you let JB weld sit for a while it does not slump so much, you can also build a dam around an edge and it will flow to fill, masking tape is often good enough or a few small blocks with vinyl tape wrapped around them. It does contain metal powder.
I know of a well respected ME contributor who used JBWeld to hold his soft jaws to the lower jaws and has tested a plug stuck in with the stuff to 600psi at which point his test rig would not go any higher. Like me he has also stuck steam engine cylinders together with it. Taps and drills too.
Typical example is the foot on the left of this engine where the iron did not flow, should be like the one on the right, also faults where both feet meet the sides and a chunk missing from thebottom edge.

Can't tell anything was wrong

Another example where the fine raised lip around the bottom was damaged in the pattern along the side and at right hand end

Good as it should have been

Edited By JasonB on 25/05/2020 20:10:22