Avoid pullers mechanical or hydraulic,a hydraulic press is usually best method for extracting bushes etc, if theses facilities are not available and a damaged pulley would be disastrous.So mount the pulley in the lathe and bore out the bronze bush until there is about 5 to 10 thou wall thickness of the bush remaining, then collapse the bush inwards by driving a small thin bladed screwdriver between the bush and the pulley, If you try cutting an oil groove with a dremmel type tool hold the tool tight as it will jump out of the groove and try to run around the inside of the bush.I have tried cutting oil grooves in bushes with a round nose chisel,tried all sorts of rake angles but never been successful ,often shown in books but I bet the authors have never done it. Once did a small end bush for a very large Polish single cylinder tractor ,like a field marshall but bigger,they must have had lubrication problems as its the most complicated small end bush I have ever seen spiral grooves and oil holes on the id and od, eventually cut the grooves with the mill and dividing head set up for spiral milling ,the owner was well pleased.