Record 413 Drill vice query


Record 413 Drill vice query

Home Forums Workshop Tools and Tooling Record 413 Drill vice query

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  • #690540
    File Handle

      I treated my pillar drill to an early Christmas present, a new (to me) Record 413 vice.vice
      I am curious why the front is machined? My only thought is that it is to allow it to be aligned with say an angle plate bolted to the table?


        It’s so you can stand it on a shelf upright and it doesn’t take up so much room.

        Nicholas Farr

          Hi, these vices are machined on the end so they can be used in the vertical position.

          Fabrex Machine Vice

          Regards Nick.

          File Handle
            On Nicholas Farr Said:

            Hi, these vices are machined on the end so they can be used in the vertical position.

            Fabrex Machine Vice

            Regards Nick.

            Thanks Nick. I assume that you would need to use an angle plate to bolt it in position, presumably more for milling use than use on a pillar drill. I thought I got mine cheap until I saw those prices. Having used it a bit now I do like it, but had to get used to pulling the moving jaw back, a slight disadvantage. It does seem well made, and although second hand was sold as unused, certainly looks like that could be true. certainly a big improvement on the cheap one I previously used.
            Being able to add images seamlessly is a big improvement, plus the speed seems better today.

            Nicholas Farr

              Hi File Handle, yes you would have to attach your vice to an angle plate to use it in the vertical position, although you could probably use a tilting table that will swing to 90 degrees to the milling table.

              The prices shown in the scan, are from 1964, and the 413 was about a quarter of my father’s basic take home pay each week back then.

              Regards Nick.

              Martin King 2

                Hi All,

                We have had quite a few of these RECORD vices, 412, 413 over the years and they are very sought after indeed if in good non-divoted shape.

                The last one made £37 plus postage on our EBay site, about average for a nice one.

                The other vary wanted one is THE NIPPY.

                Cheers, Martin

                File Handle

                  I did check the prices online (new and used) online before I bought it. It was described as unused, couldn’t see any reason not to believe that. Bought from an “antiques centre” . I have bought several tools from there. Prefer to see what I am buying, and typically cheaper than online.


                    Slight diversion from your topic, but how did you manage to insert the original photo as a thumbnail aligned to the right of your text.


                    File Handle

                      I just used insert image

                      Just edited it to move the image below the text and aligned right

                      Return moved it below text

                      Click on image and use the align tool to move the image



                      File Handle

                        I seem to have broken the HTML code above.

                        Edited above to remove the broken code and align left, but not playing ball – will try again


                        File Handle

                          Inserting image



                            On File Handle Said:

                            Inserting image



                            Thanks, someone must have mended that problem but not mentioned it.
                            I experimented extensively a little while ago, but failed completely.

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