Posted by not done it yet on 16/08/2020 08:09:35:
It might be 5” Raglan – but not a ‘Raglan 5”’. All Raglans were 5 1/8” centre height.
That is a Loughborough training lathe – no screw cutting facility and a limited speed range. A very basic lathe.
I’m not surprised there are no bids on it. Good for roughing out but with only 3 speeds and no back gear not really a serious metalworking lathe for most users.
Edited By not done it yet on 16/08/2020 08:10:27
In the past when non-screw cutting lathes were more common ME published advice for buying a lathe where this feature was not considered essential for model builders. (Of course this was when model locos were at their largest 3½" – 5" gauge and often smaller) In addition the lack of back gear might not be an issue as this lathe is 3 phase and so would probably need to be driven through an invertor overcoming the issue of a limited range of speeds and giving close to the equivalent of backgear.
So in my personal opinion – a very basic lathe, missing many features that are found in most other lathes today, but at a bargain price for an industrial quality lathe if in good condition.
Edited By Nick Clarke 3 on 16/08/2020 09:12:10