You are correct – we do not know each other. Neither do either of us know Tom S. My post had nothing to do with yours – there were other posts mentioning heaters prior to yours. I just try to be factual. The larger part of the UK housing stock could, I suspect, be improved with insulation – but draught-proofing still comes first. Heating costs money and energy on a continuing basis, while both the others are one-off expenditures.
Of course, draught-proofing and insulation are not, in themselves, sufficient to prevent condensation in winter – but Tom S. was also making reference to the humid summer. Draught-proofing, insulation and use of a desiccator has combined to keep my workshop rust-free at low cost. It is certainly not warm enough in the winter, without heat, but it has been cool enough for comfortable working all the summer as well (with a little dehumidifying at times).
My summer dehumidification unfortunately comes with unwanted heating, but that has not bothered me. The power has been derived from solar energy, so cost was effectively zero. During the winter months the dehumidifying/heating is from E7 and any extra heating during the day costs me at grid prices most of the time (although I am currently installing 1.8kW of PV panels at the present time).
I’m only 73 but had a difficult bypass op about ten years ago, so not in the best of health, myself. But that does not alter the facts re rust prevention.