Recommendation for a 3 phase electricity book?


Recommendation for a 3 phase electricity book?

Home Forums Books Recommendation for a 3 phase electricity book?

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  • #30939

        Can anyone recommend a book giving an overview of "3 phase" for a non electrical engineer?

        This book seems to fit the bill…but at £100 I think I'll pass for now!

        (NB I am a physicist by trade, so the fundamental science and maths should be fine. It's more the application that I want to better understand.)

        Thanks in advance.

        Edited By choochoo_baloo on 07/06/2019 00:22:08

        Robert Atkinson 2

          What do you want to know, theory, practical uses, installation?

          If searching, try polyphase rather than 3 phase

          Try this for theory

          Mind you all that math does not turn the light on

          Robert G8RPI

          Edited By Robert Atkinson 2 on 07/06/2019 07:18:55

          Edited By Robert Atkinson 2 on 07/06/2019 07:24:02

          John Haine

            The Wikipedia article is quite a good introduction, and the MIT document Robert links to looks pretty complete. There are lots of similar compendia of lecture notes on the web, they seem to have replaced the engineering textbooks I used to have to buy during my degree. If you want definitive guidance on installation etc then look at the IET books.

            David Davies 8

              I can recommend ''Electrical and Electronic Technology' by Edward Hughes, this contains details of 3 phase systems plus a whole host of other information. I just checked Amazon and used copies are available for under a fiver plus carriage.



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