So my “home” barometer might actually be more accurate than I’d thought, by showing 940mB.
I am not a meteorologist but I would imagine the pressure in a weather-system is anything but uniform for any given radius, and vortices within the main circulation could well produce local depressions deeper than the main one.
It’s dropping again, back around 940mB, with less severe stormy weather forecast.
An effect I have seen in clouds is seemingly regular waves of the vapour, suggesting these are indeed marking extremely low-frequency sound-waves whose pressure oscillation influences the condensation. The clouds would lie along the low-pressure roots.
As for those ridiculous little Pascals, designed to suit Official Mathematicians in ISOlandia more than practical engineers, MELG Boiler-admirers and motorists…. My work for quite some years involved sound, for which the Pa is now ridiculously large so has to be chopped into micro-Pascals (µPa – Cor, I can still remember that [ALT+0181] to type the Greek letter.)
The 0 deciBel level for airborne sound is 20µPa, the softest sound detectable to the fully-healthy human ear in its most sensitive frequency-range. In marine work, 0dB refers to a lowly 1µPa.
Making 0dB equate to 0[any unit] completely, i.e. utter silence, is mathematically impossible.