There is no doubt that the David Brown adjustable machine reamers are the Rolls Royce of reamers especially as they are adjustable and also floating. As for the adjustable hand reamers I have found the blades need to be kept absolutely dead sharp and stored with care so they do not get damaged. All my adjustable hand reamers of this type are quality T&J make (Taylor & Jones of Honley, England) Their blades are made of a fine quality HSS and keep their sharpness well. There are many copies of this T&J reamer that are made in China and the experience I have of these is very poor, some I suspect are carbon steel blades which do not hold a keen edge. If you ever see a T&J reamer for sale on a stall – buy it!
Some of my other machine reamers have carbide brazed tips with an expander screw in the end to set size, although the range is very limited; they were, 'ahem', liberated from A. Herberts Ltd,. when I served my time there, nearly 60 years later they are still going strong. I always use them in a floating holder though.
A trick I learnt for 'upsizing' a reamer cut was to introduce a fag paper over one tooth, or two teeth for a bit more cut. I have even used a matchstick down a flute to increase the cut further with great success.
Safe reaming,