A message I have heard over and again since taking up the role of Editor of MEW is that readers want to see more short, practical tips.
From Issue 215 I plan to run a regular feature with tips from readers. As tips are typically rather short, it isn't practical to pay for them like articles, but I'd like to offer an incentive to send in tips.
I'm delighted to announce that the well known engineering suppliers Chester UK have stepped up to offer £30 in gift vouchers to each month's 'Top Tip'.
Email your simple workshop tips to me, Neil Wyatt, marking them 'Readers Tips', and you could be a winner. Try to keep your tip to no more than 400 words and a picture or drawing. Every month I'll chose a selection for publication and the one chosen as 'Tip of the Month' will win £30 in gift vouchers from Chester Machine Tools. Visit to plan how to spend yours!
There is only a short time to enter a tip for Issue 215, so what ae you waiting for!
PLEASE! Don't put your tips in this thread, only entries by email will be accepted.
No more than one prize with a value of £30 will be given each month. By entering you agree your entry can be freely published and republished MyTimeMedia on paper or electronically and may be edited before appearing. You will be acknowledged as the author of the tip. There is no guarantee that any entry will be published and if no publishable tips are received a prize will not be awarded. The decision of the editor is final.
Edited By Neil Wyatt on 11/03/2014 19:54:53