24 March 2025 at 18:32 baz Said:
The survey is a bigger load of rubbish than the magazine it is surveying.
Perhaps you could elucidate?
Be delighted if Baz explains because justified criticism is always valuable, especially if it suggests positive alternatives. Unfortunately, I fear he can’t, because his negativity is emotional, not rational.
I’ve tried hard a few times this year to get members posting terse critiques to elucidate and never got a decent answer. Sadly, in the absence of reasons, I have to conclude that problem isn’t the magazine, or the forum, it’s the correspondent! Grumpy reactionary individuals, their enthusiasm exhausted, maybe they are depressed. They’re lashing out, not helping themselves or anyone else, not realising unjustified criticism is low value crap. Ignore it.
Having been ill for over a year, I sympathise with the grumps! Health issues and other stresses make everything grim, even the good bits. Reading 4763 this morning made me nauseous. Can’t blame ME&W, the problem is I’m unwell. Will try again when I feel better!