Issue 215 has been available as a digital edition for a few days, and should soon be landing on doormats across the land, followed by arriving in the shops at the end of the week.
I'd like to get a flavour of what people think about issue 215, so I've put together a short online survey. The results are just to guide me in the future – it's my personal survey.
It asks for your basic details at the end, but I will keep all responses anonymous. You don't even have to fill them in for the survey to be valid, but please don't fill in more than one!
Finally,. PLEASE don't fill it in until you've finished reading issue 215!
This thread needs to be "pinned" to the list of forum posts so that it does not keep disappearing. If it is not visible your survey will not get much attention.
I think it would have been a good idea to have an option for did not read the article, we only have V. good to V,. poor or did not notice. There are several there that I would notice but choose not to read as they have no interest to me.
There must be a lot of people who spend their time in the armchair reading MEW from cover to cover rather than in the workshop if they are doing what Neil asks and waiting to fill in the survey once they have finished reading the mag
JasonB…I for one get more chances to snatch 5-10 minutes in “armchair”..than I do get a half hour at the bench (well during the working week)… Another reason for preferring short self contained articles. …. I can read an article or maybe two at coffee break or with lunch but a trip to the workshop during those breaks wouldn’t even havw chance to get in the door… ..envious of others “dedication”..oh yes
Thanks for the bumps and the 'sticky'. I can only collect 100 responses with a 'free survey' and so far we're on 45 with 27 more or less complete surveys. With luck that will be about 60 completions by the end.
I won't say anything that could bias responses, but today I've been through the CAHW index. I've done a fair bit of reclassification to help me get an idea of what has been covered by MEW over the years and what hasn't.
I have grouped some topics (e.g. reaming with drilling and broaching, but boring with turning).
I can now reveal that the topic least covered in the first 212 issues of Model Engineers' Workshop is:
Now what does that tell me?
I hope the online survey provides some equally meaningful insights
Neil does only being able to use 100 replies not rather limit you to online subscribers, I think you have said before that paper subscribers and people who do not use this site make up the majority of readers so the survey results could be a bit misleading.
Ok, one bit of information that won't bias the results is that there is a significant majority of paper subscribers responding to the survey, so I think it will be reasonably representative. Obviously it is users of the forum only. I think the main issue there is that forum members are possibly set up to think more about where they want the magazine to go in the light of recent discussions.
Thanks everyone, the survey is now full (I have 103 responses but can't see the last 3), so I've closed it.
I'll post what's appropriate when I've had a few days to look at the results properly.
Quick headlines:
61% – Paper only
8% – digital only
12% – paper and digital
The 'are you paying attention' question – 60% gave a rating to Scribe a Line, even though it wouldn't fit in issue 215. I'll be gracious and assume it most people rated it according to past issues
Thanks for the Bumps, and thanks to everyone who took part.
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