Posted by bernard towers on 24/09/2022 11:47:00:
…your articles are too technical…
I make no secret of the fact that I am a professional engineer, and that I don't regard myself as a modeller, although I am building a couple of traction engines. For me machining is interesting if it's something I haven't done before. Although there is satisfaction to be gained from making a part to the right tolerances and with a good finish machining is mainly a means to an end. I tend to have a different approach to making a part; if it looks difficult I'll try and change the design while retaining functionality. Of course, on my engines I tend to stay with what is prototypical.
What really interests me is understanding how things work and hence being able to create designs that perform as expected. For example the governor on my traction engine could never have worked as drawn. So I am in the process of redesigning the governor, and the steam passages in the cylinder, so there is at least a chance that it will work. To do this it helps to have an understanding of how the governor works and the mathematics behind it. Not many people seem interested in this aspect, as opposed to the making of parts.
A long time ago I started a thread here on injectors, as it is one of the items I need to design for my engines. Unfortunately the thread attracted some derogatory responses to the effect that I was wasting my time as the experts already had designs that worked and there was no need to change them. The recent articles in ME on injectors has confirmed my view that there are better ways of making injectors rather than the traditional arrangement of the cones, and that some of the features of the traditional design are not needed.
For a number of (non-engineering) reasons 2022 is turning out to be a bit of watershed year for me, so over the autumn/winter I will be considering what I want to do over the next few years, which may include writing articles again. It was a shock yesterday to get a letter from the DWP saying I could now apply to get the (UK) state pension.
Edited By Andrew Johnston on 25/09/2022 10:55:34