Recently I received a renewal notice form the office advising me that my MEW subs were due to expire and inviting me to renew.
This I tried to do but hit the problems mentioned in another thread. Am still trying to resolve the issue.
I was sure the notice had stated the subs to the paper copy of MEW were due to expire. But looking at the notice again i noticed a strange “D” at the end of the listing.
Think I now know what the problem is !!
The “person” who designed the form quite obviously has not tried printing out all variations of the form, because the field allowed for the item which is expiring is too short or does not have a “wrap around” facility, so that when the renewal notice is printed the last part of the message is “chopped” off, making it unclear exactly what sort of MEW subs are due.
So I sugest that when/if you do receive a renewal notice, you check it very carefully. perhaps also check if it agrees with your own records.
Hopefully “someone” will fix this problem up.