Hi All, blame this thread on Allan, with the beginners tale thread,
I started model engineering about 18 years ago, after building a couple of wooden plank on plank ships. Started setting up workshop, purchased lathe and milling machine, at this time started a new job, ( Stress level through the roof) spent more time done in workshop trying to keep rust of the tools, did very little.
promised my son I would build him a cannon, think he was about 7 told him as a joke it would be done by the time he was 21, he is now 22 about to be come 23 cannon no where to be seen, possible start another thread like Allan on the biuld.
In-between time got further promotion, more stress, purchased a plot of land, took 3and a bit years to build my own house, worked night weekend and holidays but it is completed now, well the garden still to be done.
however started to set up a workshop in the garage, see photos. Mill heavy so I have constructed a frame within the kitchen units. The drawer tool chest is only there I always wanted one .