Its the best Pi yet.
Would recommend getting the cooler or the dedicated case with fan in it – the CPU runs quite a bit hotter than the 4 – not dangerously so, but hot enough that I'll be adding a cooler once I get round to it.
It can also peak a lot of current from the PSU, so whilst the 3A supply for a Pi4 is fine (that's what I'm currently using) if you don't have a lot of things hanging off the USB etc the new supply is designed to support maximum performance. I will be buying (with my own money) one of those when they become available.
Seeing it run with a pair of cameras and 2 4k screens was impressive – I can see it being the basis for a Projector + cameras shape measurement system at 'fairly' low cost. (I used to do precision high speed large volume optical metrology at a previous job).
The PCIe connector is going to open up some interesting possibilities…
Interestingly the feature the Pi team seemed most pleased with was the power button…