I’ve bought a small vintage metal lathe.
I have used small wood lathes for some time so have some experience with rotating machinery, some usable centres and chucks for the 1MT tapers in my new lathe and some test gear such as a DTI, but I’ve no previous experience with metal lathes beyond reading about them.
There obviously was something missing on the headstock and looking on the lathes.co.uk website I eventually discovered that I’ve got a RandA type B or lookalike and that a missing cog adjacent to the pulley is part of the backgear system. The closest example I could find on lathes.co.uk is the BSW RB 3x 20” with a double clasp nut. The terms Randa and backgear led me to this thread.
The pulley is obviously a modern replacement, V belt instead of flat and the pulley grub screw needs a metric 4mm allen key. Apart from that the lathe seems in good shape, bearings seem silky smooth, no damage to the leadscrew or cross slide and all the parts for a change gear train which seemed to be set up for a 24tpi cut with the 8tpi leadscrew.
The top slide and toolpost were clearly hacked in the past, the original toolpost mounting hole has the threads stripped and a length of threaded 3/8 UNC rod substituted in a new hole. The mix of fasteners did confuse me for a bit, mostly BSF, a metric grub screw but then a UNC thread as well.
The change gears have a pin connection between the collar and the cog. The gears themselves are a 5/8” bore, I found comment online that Myford 20DP 14.5 gears would probably fit so I’ve been able to buy a few Myford ML7 gears and make them fit fit with the addition of a 7/64” pin hole.
To repair the back gear I needed to either attach a 25 tooth cog to the rear of the pulley to match the existing 60T-25T-60T backgear train or else replace the three existing gears and get two matching pairs.
Lathes.co.uk had mentioned that early ML1-4 lathes used the same pin system and that the TPI indicator as part of the carriage shift on the RandA leadscrew was also the mechanism on the ML10.
Looking at spares for the ML10 on the Myford site I found a 25T spindle cog. It didn’t give any dimensions so I was unsure if it would fit but I thought it worth a punt.
Unfortunately it isn’t a direct fit, 7/8” ID instead of the 1” RandA spindle.
Since I’d bought it I decided to open it up to 1”. I drilled it out with progressively sized drills to 25mm (my biggest drill) and then got it to a sliding fit on the RandA spindle using abrasives on a mandrel. I was careful to clean it thoroughly each time before a test fit since abrasive particles on the spindle would be a real problem.
The resulting cog fitted the spindle and meshed ok with the large outer 60T gear and the collar on the ML10 cog provided clearance between the 60T gear and the end of the pulley. I did see some comment that the RandA backgears were not the same DP and pressure angle as normal Myford change gears, maybe the ML10 spindle cog is different from the change gears.
However the remaining rim on the 25T cog was very thin after taking the centre from 7/8” out to 1” and I couldn’t see how I would attach it to the end of the pulley.
My solution was to remove the collar at points round the rim directly at the teeth. A 1.5mm drill into the cog at these points to hold a pin which would go into matching holes on the pulley rim. Aligning with the teeth allowed me a larger space to drill without any danger of fouling the 60T gear.
Some metal epoxy then held the pins in place as I assembled cog and pulley together on a piece of 1” pipe as an alignment mandrel.
The design of the modern V belt pulley is such that there was no solid end towards the front of the headstock. Without the grub screw the pulley could move towards the headstock so I needed a spacer to keep it in position when the grub screw is removed.
Clearly a more accurate way to do it would have been to use a boring bar on a lathe to enlarge the 25T gear, that’s far above my current skill level, my use of a drill press is a pretty clumsy hack but it got me a working backgear.
Regards Jim