OK got it, my bad, sorry.
Only way I can help is to show you a bit of code that I did back in June 2006 according to the code.
This was similar to the rocking boat type toolholders but was massive, about 100mm square and 224m long, again according to the code.
I'm presuming the K862.76 was the radius as it was only a shallow curve and from memory this was opposite to yours. i.e. concave instead of convex.
Hope this helps.
;( Produced :- 20:16:07 Tuesday, June 06, 2006 )
;( Post Processor :- M_AHHA )
;( Part Number ID :- )
;( Tools Used )
;( T16 20.0 End Mill)
N 20 G00 G21 G17 G90 G40 G49
N 60 M06 T19
N 80 G44 Z30.
N 90 M03
N 100 S3600
N 110 G04 P1.0
N 120 M08
N 135 G92 X-102.0 Y36.5 Z38.0
N 136 G00 X-112.0 Y0.0
N 140 G49 Z9.
N 150 G01 Z0.90 F260.0 ;
N 160 G18
N 170 G02 X112.0 I112.0 K862.76 F1200.
N 180 G01 Y-11.4
N 190 G03 X-112.0 I-112.0 K862.76
N 200 G01 Y-22.8
N 210 G02 X112.0 I112.0 K862.76
N 220 G01 Y-34.2
N 230 G03 X-112.0 I-112.0 K862.76
N 240 G01 Y-45.6
N 250 G02 X112.0 I112.0 K862.76
N 260 G01 Y-57.0
N 270 G03 X-112.0 I-112.0 K862.76
N 280 G00 Z30.
N 290 G54
N 300 G28 Z0.0
N 310 M30
Edited By John Stevenson on 13/01/2014 19:46:31