Racing Sparrow


Racing Sparrow

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    Michael Gilligan

      I borrowed an interesting little book from the Library, today.

      "Build your own Radio-Controlled Yacht", by Bryn Heveldt

      It turns out that the website offers an eBook for only $8 NZ, and offers the plans as a free download.

      Does anyone have experience of building/sailing the Racing Sparrow ?


      Michael Gilligan

        Radio Controlled model yacht

        Ramon Wilson

          Hi Michael,

          Having recently took an interest in sailing (R/C) I too bought the book (hardcopy) off ebay for a reasonable price. The full size plans were in a pocket in the back cover.

          I was very pleased with it's basic simplicity to give what looks to be a very nice model. I'm intending to build a larger though different hull later this year using similar techniques – balsa planking covered with glass cloth and epoxy resin – though this will be a first hull in this fashion I've used the technique before on model aircraft.

          Though not shown in the book I see on the website there are different sizes of the 'Sparrow' and the comments from builders are very positive – in all it appears to be an excellent design for the newcomer.

          Do you intend building one?

          Regards – Ramon

          Michael Gilligan

            Thanks Ramon

            Lots to do at the moment; but I've always fancied an RC yacht, so will hopefully make a start on this in 2013.



            At today's exchange rate, the download only cost £4.24

            Edited By Michael Gilligan on 28/12/2012 20:57:41

            Ramon Wilson

              Hi again Michael,

              Although I've had my odd R/C 'boat moment' over time I have never been involved with sailing until late this last year. Circumstance had led to a walk through a Norwich park where some were sailing and I guess it was that 'right moment'. After considering it for a few weeks I finally bit the bullet and decided to have a change of tack (NPI) and give it a go

              However, at my wifes insistence, I bought an 'Almost Ready To Sail' yacht, a 'Joysway' Focus (I had a couple of years back spent best part of a year building a Fairy Huntsman power boat from scratch which ended up only ever going on the water the once and she thought it best not to repeat the excersise – how wisewink) which came complete with R/C gear and truly was virtually ready to go.

              As a long term maker of things I was a bit reluctant to go down this route at first but this has shown itself to be absolutely ideal for the situation and has met all expectations. It has got me sailing in very short order which has proved to be an extremely relaxing way of spending an afternoon too – I can certainly recommend it.

              I have an engine project about to start but once that's finished, thanks to a well meaning friend who passed me the plan, have my sights set on building an M class design called 'Cedar 4' .

              Good luck with yours if you go ahead.

              Regards – Ramon

              Michael Gilligan
                Posted by Ramon Wilson on 28/12/2012 23:07:11:

                Hi again Michael,

                … thanks to a well meaning friend who passed me the plan, have my sights set on building an M class design called 'Cedar 4' .

                Good luck with yours if you go ahead.

                Regards – Ramon

                Thanks for the encouragement

                Regarding the M-Class … You might find something useful here.


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