This is being posted with my workshop hat on and in no way a plug for ARC Euro trade as I don't see why I should when Hiawatha still has my two quid.
Firstly diamond wheels, the purists have always said that you don't grind HSS or normal steel on them as the carbon migrates into the diamond or visa versa and generally makes a dogs dinner of the wheel.
When they used to be £100 a pop I gladly believed this and only used mine for tungsten, since they have dropped in price to £4 17s and 8p sod it try it and treat it as a consumable.
To this end I have had one of ARC's on my Vertex for about 7 years and it still has life in it. In fact I'm waiting for it to pop it's clogs as i have bought two spares and the way it's going the local undertaker will be using them to grind the nails down on my custom engineers coffin.
This wheel has ground Tungsten, finger nails, HSS, fingers and even steel when it's got in the way. Now I'm not geared up to do a scientific examination but I assure you it removes fingerprints just as fast as it did when new.
Ipso facto, case rests.
Now a little tip, patent pending. Diamond wheels are fine for licking up, as regards removing stock they are useless. Green grit will remove stock but won't put a real fine edge on, plus they wear fast and create loads of dust.
I still use some large 3/4" shanked special shaped brazed carbide tooling, if this chips as it sometimes does you may have to remove 40 – 50 thou off the front or top face to clean up.
A green grit wheel will take about 10 minutes to do this at the cost of probably an 1/8" off the wheel.
However ARC sells some diamond faced wheels designed to fit angle grinders [ usual no connection – Ketan stick me another two freebies in the post for the plug – cough ]
If you fit one of these to a cheap angle grinder mounted on one of those cheap Lidl stands they make an ace grinder for ripping off tungsten.
The tool I mentioned earlier takes about 4 minutes to get a new face and the finish is enough that a 30 second lick on the diamond cup wheel is enough. Again life on these is very good and they are reversible.
John S.