some developments since i last posted,i actually made something. firstly with a view to doing some threading i made a mandrel handle

I've turned down a piece of 20mm bar to fit in the end of the headstock, and drilled it out to take an m8 thread then tapped it m8. i cut the end off at 45 degrees and then drilled the rest of the shaft out with a long 8.5 mm drill.

that took a while, i'm not sure if there's a better way of doing that but i got through it. that's created an expanding end to lock into the mandrel once i've put a length of m8 threaded bar through it, i've also drilled a piece of flat bar to 20mm at one end and welded the shaft into it, and tapped it to m12 at the other end to take the crank handle, which is another opiece oif 20mm turned down to 12mm at the end and threaded with a die, with a suitably sized piece of tube slotted over it which is secured by a turned down washer bolted onto the other end

not exactly precison engineering but it's a start.
i've also been rebuilding a 1980's Mengele forage wagon for a friend, it had picked up a foreign object and the mechanism tha feeds the grass into the knives had tried to eat itself, unsurprisingly you can't get parts for it any more so i've had to make the bits that were bent beyond repair including some new nylon bearings for the feed in fingers:

I've had it running and surprisingly, it works and picks up grass. the nylon or rather oilon comes in a 90mm log, and is really odd stuff to turn down, the workshop looked like someone had been having a silly string fight after i'd finished.
I've acquired some 8mm tooling both inset tooling and HSS, and i bought some new grinding wheels for my old bench grinder so i could sharpen some of the old tooling and blanks that i have around the workshop, or at least try to sharpen them. Which brings me to the next thing i need advice on which os the gear train of the lathe,.
Currently it seems to be geared too quickly for the leadscrew when engaged and the tool is moving too fast along the work and just binds, this is the current gear train but it's not a very clear photo
can anyone advise on what set up i need to get a decent fine feed?
Edited By Andrew Byron on 22/06/2020 23:33:24
Edited By Andrew Byron on 22/06/2020 23:35:58