This is not a question of merits of one or other design.
I know!
I can easily set out valve gear in question graphically as described by Greenly, Harris and Duncan.
Of course.
Simplification in model (straight slide) introduces additional errors.
It does.
The “correction” to minimise errors has been described before, but the info about it is not very clear.
This is the only “clarification” I am seeking.
Which is why I tried to explain the underlying problem and the practical consequences.
Of course, I can fiddle with simulator to get what I want…. 😉
A simulator is the answer. As the question is solved by approximations, I suggest the clarification Chris wants is a Unicorn! And chasing them is a waste of time.
Root problem is there isn’t a straightforward clarification, there are multiple answers.
The designer starts by finding an arrangement of linkages that open and close the valve at about the right time. This is done using geometry. Then, testing his design, he discovers it doesn’t produce perfect valve events!
If the error is serious, he looks again at the geometry of the linkages and might have to start again from scratch. Rule-of-thumb, simple reliable linkages are high error, whilst low error linkages are complicated and unreliable.
Given a promising arrangement it’s possible improve results by fiddling with the details. More art than science. A curved link might get closer than a straight one, and tuning the position of joints helps. None of them result in perfect valve events – they are all approximations.
As I said, Victorian designers started with the geometry, and then identified improvements by experimenting with models. Lot of work and the result was never perfect! Today, finding a good compromise is best done with a computer simulation because they do the necessary sums quickly, and can run thousands of comparisons. A goal-seeking algorithm can be applied. But fundamentally the computer does much the same as Greenly, just much faster.
KNH built on Greenly’s Victorian design process. There are many ways of reducing but not eliminating the errors in Greenly’s basic design. I think KNH experimented with the two examples quoted. It’s not that one is calculated properly and the other is wrong, more likely, KNH tried alternatives. Not many – he’s unlikely to have used a computer.
This isn’t about the merits of two designs. It’s fundamentally about the limitations of mechanical movements in this application and how to reduce the error. As there’s no single answer, there’s no straightforward way of calculating it.
What works is compromise finding by comparing simulations. A computer simulation doesn’t do any special maths, it changes parameters, does thousands of sums, and then, with luck, one of the results is obviously the best. More likely there will be hundreds of similar answers that all work.
Happy to be proved wrong!