I was thinking of building an Ajax as my next locomotive, just thinking at this point in time, but I have got a set of plans to peruse over. I had picked it because I was after a small 5' loco that was quite simple in design and build.>>
I had heard they run well, but only from on the internet. I don't know anyone with one. I wondered about its steaming ability because of comments I’ve seen about the Simplex not being great at keeping steam up and how the two compared in specs.>>
For Ajax the bores are 1.375" with a 2.5" stroke.. The swept volume is 1.86 inch3. >>
For the Simplex the bores are 1.5”" with a 2.125" stroke. So larger bore, shorter stroke. The swept volume is greater at 1.99 inch3, but only by 7%. and it has a bigger boiler.>>
Wheels are the same diameter for each at 4.375” .>>
As far as the running load goes it would only be pulling one person most of the time, and maybe two sometimes .>>
I also wondered about the longer stroke and the benefits of it >>
What are peoples thoughts on the Ajax does it run ok? I had seen some suggestions on another post about it being a simple loco to build, but not much more.>>