The tin plate bearing holder has 5 holes in it and the casting has 5 matching tapped holes (1/4" UNC). this is to allow both components to be used for either backgeared or non backgeared drills (QDM 750 for the former, QDM500 for the later and a option on the QDM625 of either BG or Non BG )
The plate is deftly levered off the bearing using a small pry bar – once it starts to move after levering the outer edge between the small back gear spindle gear, then move to levering between the centre race and the inner cup of the plate. It is surprisingly easy to get it off (even when heavily corroded like mine was ). Be warned that this may need the bearing replaced on rebuild especially the top bearing which will need a puller. The plate is easily tapped 'straight' on a flat surface with a light hammer after use of the pry bar.
When replacing the upper bearing support bracket, tap the two dowels back so the bolts can be inserted first and started and the upper bearing snugged into its housing with light taps. Then drive the dowels in afterwards. Also work the quill up and down whilst snugging the lower plate bearing holder so that is all lines up without bind.
I would appreciate details of your quill lock (pictures and dimensions of the parts) as mine is just a 3/8" grub screw, which presses onto a spigoted 'bullet' which fits the quill keyway. the bullet is brass whereas others I have seen are steel.
What is your machine serial number? Mine is 17J19U321 but the 3 maybe a 'B' or '5'
Your machine is in excellent condition compared to how mine was when I received it. BTW what motor do you have on yours – mine was made in USSR, CI body but surprisingly quiet, and it ran! after standing outside for 5 years, 3 phase now wired 220v delta from star 415 v original.
PS I added an extra screw in the tin plate bearing holder at the 5-O-Clock position, the bull wheel fouls the other tapped hole at the 1-O-Clock position.