A 100 mm chuck on a HV4 seems a bit big to me.
A HV4 suggests a fairly small mill, so it would use a lot of headroom.
On my HV6, with a 2 MT bore, I fit a smaller chuck, with a Myford thread 3 or 4 jaw, and a Myford / 2 MT adaptor.
For a flange mounted chuck, you could make your own adaptor.
Take a suitable thickness plate, face it, .
Bore a register in the centre. See later for possible size.
Buy a 2MT stub arbor, and turn a short length (Same as the thickness of the plate ) to produce an interference fit in the bore in the plate. Think in terms of 0.001" for a 1" diameter (0.025 mm for a 25 mm bore
Put the plate int the freezer overnight.
Put the plate into the oven and cook for a couple of hours at gas Mark 6
Carefully retrieve plate and drop 2 MT arbor into the machined side of the hole, and tap home.. It should be an easy sliding fit, until everything warms up! Hopefully the two will then be inseparable.
Locate the 2 MT arbor in the lathe by the taper, and face the unmachined side of the plate, and any of the arbor that may be protruding a little.
Turn the the plate to produce a register which is a snug fit bin the register of your chosen chuck
Turn the OD to suit the chosen chuck..
The Register and OD should then be concentric with he taper.
Make up pointed screws so that the position of the holes can be determined.
The Arc Euro catalogue gives dimensions of the chucks for mini lathes (Register and mounting hole PCDs )
Drill the clearance holes.
You should then be ready to mount your chosen chuck onto the Rotary Table.
Be warned.
If you use any form of drawbar to hold the taper in to the table, IN THE VERTICAL POSITION, it will be possible to remove the arbor from the RT by slackening the drawbar and tapping the end with a mallet, to break the taper.
In the HORIZONTAL position, without removing the RT from the table of the Mill, this will be impossible.