Thanks for suggestions.
I had tried clingfilm – I couldn't get it to stick reliably. It is also quite thin at ~ 10μm.
I've used Renaissance wax for metal finishing, and it's good stuff I agree – but not really what I want here. Corrosion isn't the problem, it's a need to protect the work from the scratch demons which seem to inhabit my workshop. Or to put it another way, to protect the work from my sloppy and inconsistent practices.
I have MetalGuard from ARC – it's great for what it's meant for, but it's not what's needed here.
I had thought about painting or spraying with some sort of protective film, but then it has to be removed with a solvent, which would give further scope to the scratch demons.
It sounds like the vinyl transfer tape which Adam suggested might work. I had a look (I wasn't aware of the technology) and have ordered a roll. I went for the brand which had the most negative reviews for the intended purpose – 'not sticky enough'. It won't need it to be in place for more than a few days,
Many thanks to Pete and Adam for offering samples – very much appreciated, but I succumbed to the lure of 'Free delivery: Tomorrow. Order within 14 minutes'. So the stuff should be with me tomorrow – or later today, looking at the clock now.
Edited By Robin Graham on 05/05/2021 00:13:55
Edited By Robin Graham on 05/05/2021 00:14:43
Edited By Robin Graham on 05/05/2021 00:35:32
Edited By Robin Graham on 05/05/2021 00:50:23