Exact size on size would be needed to avoid point contact Martin. A condition that is highly unlikely to be achieved in practice.
The plus of ER against the negative aspect is that one collet can hold a small range of sizes. That isn't the case with typical traditional collets. Stuff that is to be fitted into them needs to be pretty close to the correct size.
I suspect that the radial myth comes about because traditional collets are keyed to prevent rotation. They need to be because the taper part is only designed to close the collet onto the work. If used on R8 for milling sizes need to be pretty precise as well.
Comments about Berhard don't fit in at all with my training. They were referred to a bar chucks and for use turning bar where the od isn't going to be touched and accuracy isn't that important. I'd expect up to a couple of thou or so error. Their grip length is also pretty long. For real work I was told to use the ones that came with the lathe I was using. On things like CVA, Langs, DSG's there are rather a lot of them, For the size range they cover there is rather a lot with my Pultra as well.
Crawford specify accuracy some where in their catalogue. My recollection is that it's not a lot different to standard ER that have been made correctly. Like ER there are probably higher spec ones available.
I'm as bad on work holding collets as are some others. I've had my Boxford for some years now and it came with collets that may well have been bought with it. Still in preservative. Lathe dates from 1977, probably 3 owners. I've had the size of Burnerd multi grip that was supplied to go with Myford 7's for a long long time along with a boxed set of the collets. I've never bothered or had the need to mount it.
Worse still I recently bought a Jacobs version. There is a reason though, chuck type rather than lever and I tend to worry about not having larger sizes of collet in case I need them. Crazy really as correctly machined soft jaws will hold work pretty precisely. Some think that the scroll in a 3 jaw must be miles out and will wobble all over the place. They don't. Maybe cheap ones do.
I have ER16 and E25. I spent some time wondering about that. I don't really want ER32 or ER40 dangling on the end of my millers spindle. I was sort of tempted to ER32 but there isn't much of a gain over 25 really in cutter size as far as machining goes so I will adapt a 25mm indexable end mill and past that I feel that a face mill make more sense.
Some one passed a comment on here about 5C collets on here. I was thinking of buying a set and a chuck. The comment was don't. I did and have scarcely used any of them so if you do buy as needed.
Really the best all round answer is to think how to make things in one setting as then they aren't needed. Next comes ok can't do that entirely but I can still …………. what ever solution crops up. I find there usually is one.