As some might already know, my facemill is currently out of service, awaiting new inserts.
So I thought I'd break out the virgin flycutter.
This is my first ever attempt – be kind!
So I ground what I thought would be a good shape into some 8mm HSS square bar:
There is side and bottom clearance and a chip break breaker with a small rake angle.
The finish was, well, not great:
You can feel every line with your fingernail. Not subtle either.
I tried messing around with speeds (180RPM, 280RPM) & feeds and DOC (0.1mm, 0.3mm, 0.50mm, 0.75mm).
Not great.
Looked okay whilst cutting though:
VIDEO: 180RPM – 0.30mm DOC (you have to click to play more than the preview)
Cutting deeper shook the house:
VIDEO: 180RPM – 0.75mm DOC (you have to click to play more than the preview)