Posted by Dr_GMJN on 02/07/2023 19:55:23:
Pretty much as per Jason’s video…
Exactly what I measured. With the exception of the DTI sitting conveniently on the adjacent milling machine, which is heavier than the machine being measured.
The result is never going to be zero. Considering the results that Jason and I see, the obvious question is how does it affect the milling process? I think the answer is not much, if at all. Since the milling cutter is fixed in the centre of the saddle even if the table pivots around the end of the saddle the movement will be reduced by a factor of four or so, in my case. Assuming that cutting parameters stay constant then cutting forces will be constant, so the table won't be moving in and out with the cut.
My vertical mill is probably around 50 years old and consequently is fairly worn. So I expect that the same test with the table centred may well be worse. But until now i've never noticed, or worried about, the table rocking during a cut.