Michael, Andrew,
Yes, that’s basically it – I do this as a pastime, and any time spent twiddling wheels would be more pleasant with a smooth action. I do use the machines for building, they aren’t just for show.
I wasn’t aware that other machines would change position, at least not perpendicular to the gib, so fair enough.
I don’t have DROs on the lathe, although often thought they would be useful. I’m just learning to overcome this using the saddle stop and slip gauges, or a DTI on the appropriate axis. No real issue there.
I suppose I’ll try adjusting the gibs again, but as with other endeavours like this, I invariably think for some reason I can sort it this time, but end up with exactly the same result, having wasted several precious hours. This is why eventually I throw the towel in and hope I can pay someone to do it.
Having said that, I had no issue at all hand flatting the ML7 ways and adjusting the gibs (when I converted it to a wide bed saddle), which avoided a re-grind and gave a huge improvement in feel.