24 October 2023 at 20:29 peak4 Said:
I note my user name has now changed to Ramon Wilson ‘3’.
I don’t think it has, Tug. The name shown under your Avatar box is still “Ramon Wilson”. They’ve just added the “3” to the @ramonwilson bit (whatever that’s for).
At least you just got a “3”. I got “36336” …. although, viewed as a status symbol …….
I don’t think so, Tug’s “Username” has changed to @raymonwilson3 when it transferred over to this new forum, and can’t be altered.
He has chosen to show his “Displayed Name” as Raymon Wilson, which can be altered by the user.
Peter, your “Displayed Name” is Peter Green, which may well have been your “Username” on the old forum, has defaulted to “Displayed Name” on here, and is showing as such, without eny intervention from you.
(You may have changed it yourself I don’t know)
When your account transferred over it became @petergreene36336 which is the account you now log on to.
Screenshot of your forum address;
Whilst many different humans can share the same name without getting horribly confused, computers have to take a more disciplined approach. Accounts have to have a unique identifier. Often done by adding a serial number, giving John Smith1, John Smith2, etc. Or by allocating account numbers and ignoring the human name entirely. Under the bonnet, the forum software manages us by login name.
As account numbers are hard to remember and a little demeaning, most computer systems hide them. This forum allocates a unique username, which is used with a password to gain access. It also allows user friendly aliases, which can be used to hide or personalise the account name.
So the account I used to check what the forum without moderator permissions has:
User Login Name = d2389689@*****.com
User Nice Name = d2389689****-com
User Display Name = SillyOldOrdinaryMember
User Nickname = SillyOldOrdinaryMember
These are selected by the forum to suit the context. As forum features are all configurable, it’s easy for developers to create name inconsistencies, perhaps displaying Nice Name instead of Nickname or vice versa. Looks odd but is harmless.
Tug’s login may have been Ramon Wilson3 on the old forum, but no-one noticed because it was hidden. Or maybe the number was added during migration to guarantee uniqueness. Dunno. The main thing is that every account has a unique login name and password.
For human consumption members can set their Nickname to whatever they like. The fly in the ointment is that Profile Edit misbehaves sometimes – a bug under investigation. When the new forum misfires I find bad language helps. ‘Sugar’ I say, ‘gosh’, or even ‘Deary deary Me’.