Problems ?


Problems ?

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  • #680968
    Ramon Wilson

      Hi Guys (those in the know that is)

      I note my user name has now changed to Ramon Wilson ‘3’.

      I opened my profile to change this back to the original only to find I have ‘no activity’ listed and that I do not have the right to access the profile. I can only assume the former is due to the ‘new’ name but the latter I have no idea why.

      Also I can’t find ‘my albums’ yet having checked the marine engine thread I see the images are still embedded – where are they stored and how do I access them to update them when required

      Any help to get me back up and running as before would be much appreciated as I can’t seem to find the way myself.

      Best regards – Ramon (Tug)


        Tug, your albums weren’t transferred over to the new forum, but any pictures embedded in posts have come over OK.
        You can find your own posts by logging onto your own profile, going to Forums and exploring these three tabs.

        The inability to display your profile is a known and reported error, so hopefully will be fixed eventually.
        You can however access and update it via;
        Profile > Settings > Profile Visibility > scroll down to “About Yourself”
        Hopefully you can update that, ready for when it again becomes visible to yourself and others.


        There’s further discussion here;

        How to find ALL your old posts

        Regarding your old albums, there’s a possibility that they may be available on, as discussed in this post, but it’s by no means a certainty, as it depends upon what their web crawler has archived.

        Lost my photos on new forum.



          Re. your user name, it’s change is explained on the help page under FAQ 4


          Why can’t I change my username?
          Once a username has been set this can’t be changed. If your username has been migrated over from our old forum (pre-September 2023) this may have changed due to incompatible characters on the new system.

          Mine was one which didn’t change, as it was all lower case without spaces.


          Ramon Wilson

            Thanks for the info Bill 👍

            I have tried as you suggest and have accessed my profile but it appears it can’t be changed as you say.

            The non transfer of albums is a pity but I have checked the Marine Engine thread and those images are still embedded at least. The inability to be able to refer to those I had stored in folders is a blow though. I’m afraid I simply don’t have the time (or indeed the inclination) to do anything to redress that. Can I assume with no albums that a new image can be embedded directly in the text?

            BTW I noticed on that thread my name as was with a small @Ramon Wilson 3 below. I wonder if this post will be the same or under the new user name 🙄

            Thanks again for taking the time – much appreciated.


            Best – Tug



              Tug, as I read things, you can choose to display your forum name according to your preference, and you now seem to be showing as Raymon Wilson (blue underlined) which will act as a hyperlink to your user name profile
              @raymonwilson3 .
              I don’t recall what your user name was on the previous iteration of the forum, but for sake of argument, lets say it was also “Raymon Wilson”; (mine was, and still is, peak4).
              User Names on this new forum are restricted, and must be lower case, without spaces, so when your old User Name was trasferred over, it lost any capitals or spaces, and became @ramonwilson3, which is fixed and can’t be changed; I’ve no idea if there is, or ever was another profile on the old forum which might have come over as @ramonwilson1 or @ramonwilson2 for that matter.

              edit- I hadn’t expected my “AT raymonwilson1” comment above to be translated as a hyperlink, so I don’t know if it’s a real account that has come over, empty or other wise, of whether it’s a false lead.
              I wonder where @peak5 will take me, as I’m pretty sure that was never an account

              Personally I’ve left my own display name as peak4, the same as the previous forum for continuity, though I might change it to Bill Williams at some point in the future; this has tranferred over here as user name @peak4; (note that in my case, the “4” was already part of both my displayed name, and user account name).

              When you’re eventually able to see my user profile, it will eaplain that “peak4” used to me my radio call sign on the UK Motorsports Association safety frequency from when I was a recovery marshal on UK car rallies.
              I use it on many forums, as well as Flickr and Facebook



                Ramon, you can just drag and drop an image into the reply from your PC etc now. Click the image icon when the cursor is where you want the image and then drag from say File Explorer if using a Windows PC

                Peter Greene
                  On Ramon Wilson Said:


                  I note my user name has now changed to Ramon Wilson ‘3’.

                  I don’t think it has, Tug. The name shown under your Avatar box is still “Ramon Wilson”. They’ve just added the “3” to the @ramonwilson bit (whatever that’s for).

                  At least you just got a “3”. I got “36336” …. although, viewed as a status symbol …….

                    On Peter Greene Said:
                    On Ramon Wilson Said:


                    I note my user name has now changed to Ramon Wilson ‘3’.

                    I don’t think it has, Tug. The name shown under your Avatar box is still “Ramon Wilson”. They’ve just added the “3” to the @ramonwilson bit (whatever that’s for).

                    At least you just got a “3”. I got “36336” …. although, viewed as a status symbol …….

                    I don’t think so, Tug’s “Username” has changed to @raymonwilson3 when it transferred over to this new forum, and can’t be altered.
                    He has chosen to show his “Displayed Name” as Raymon Wilson, which can be altered by the user.


                    Peter, your “Displayed Name” is Peter Green, which may well have been your “Username” on the old forum, has defaulted to “Displayed Name” on here, and is showing as such, without eny intervention from you.
                    (You may have changed it yourself I don’t know)
                    When your account transferred over it became @petergreene36336 which is the account you now log on to.

                    Screenshot of your forum address;


                      On peak4 Said:
                      On Peter Greene Said:
                      On Ramon Wilson Said:


                      I note my user name has now changed to Ramon Wilson ‘3’.

                      I don’t think it has, Tug. The name shown under your Avatar box is still “Ramon Wilson”. They’ve just added the “3” to the @ramonwilson bit (whatever that’s for).

                      At least you just got a “3”. I got “36336” …. although, viewed as a status symbol …….

                      I don’t think so, Tug’s “Username” has changed to @raymonwilson3 when it transferred over to this new forum, and can’t be altered.
                      He has chosen to show his “Displayed Name” as Raymon Wilson, which can be altered by the user.


                      Peter, your “Displayed Name” is Peter Green, which may well have been your “Username” on the old forum, has defaulted to “Displayed Name” on here, and is showing as such, without eny intervention from you.
                      (You may have changed it yourself I don’t know)
                      When your account transferred over it became @petergreene36336 which is the account you now log on to.

                      Screenshot of your forum address;


                      Whilst many different humans can share the same name without getting horribly confused, computers have to take a more disciplined approach.  Accounts have to have a unique identifier.  Often done by adding a serial number, giving John Smith1, John Smith2, etc.  Or by allocating account numbers and ignoring the human name entirely.  Under the bonnet, the forum software manages us by login name.

                      As account numbers are hard to remember and a little demeaning, most computer systems hide them.  This forum allocates a unique username, which is used with a password to gain access.   It also allows user friendly aliases, which can be used to hide or personalise the account name.

                      So the account I used to check what the forum without moderator permissions has:

                      User Login Name = d2389689@*****.com
                      User Nice Name = d2389689****-com
                      User Display Name = SillyOldOrdinaryMember
                      User Nickname = SillyOldOrdinaryMember

                      These are selected by the forum to suit the context.   As forum features are all configurable, it’s easy for developers to create name inconsistencies, perhaps displaying Nice Name instead of Nickname or vice versa.    Looks odd but is harmless.

                      Tug’s login may have been Ramon Wilson3 on the old forum, but no-one noticed because it was hidden.  Or maybe the number was added during migration to guarantee uniqueness.  Dunno.    The main thing is that every account has a unique login name and password.

                      For human consumption members can set their Nickname to whatever they like.  The fly in the ointment is that Profile Edit misbehaves sometimes – a bug under investigation.   When the new forum misfires I find bad language helps.  ‘Sugar’ I say, ‘gosh’, or even ‘Deary deary Me’.


                      Ramon Wilson

                        Oh dear guys what have I started😲

                        Seriously thank you all for the replies – I think I have it now but your advice may help others.

                        I see my last post has ‘Ramon Wilson’ at the top with the username (with the @ and 3) below. That’s just fine and is how I wanted it when I first saw the change. All’s well on that issue then.

                        Thanks for the input on the images too Jason I will now install new folders on my PC for any new images that can be referred too if required so all is not as bad as first thought.

                        The one thing that does get a big thumbs up is the auto spell checker – a big improvement.

                        BTW Bill there’s no Y (or D) in Ramon 😊

                        Thanks again everyone, I think I can sleep a bit easier tonight 😊


                          On Ramon Wilson Said:

                          Oh dear guys what have I started😲


                          The one thing that does get a big thumbs up is the auto spell checker – a big improvement.

                          BTW Bill there’s no Y (or D) in Ramon 😊

                          Thanks again everyone, I think I can sleep a bit easier tonight 😊


                          Don’t worry about raising the question; I and others will learn from trying to answer it.

                          Sorry about the errant Y, I did get your name correct in most of the posts, I think, but had a brain fart when annotating the screenshots of my own profile as an example for Peter.

                          What I should have noticed was the extra Y when I edited my earlier reply to you, which it why the forum didn’t turn the mis-spelled user name into a hyperlink, so it’s actually proved quite useful.

                          I also managed to locate one of your old posts on as I was curious to see how your name displayed there.
                          This is from when some of the old forum was archived by their web crawler back in Feb 2021, coincidentally the same date as your post.



                          Ramon Wilson

                            Ha! You’re not the first Bill 😊 Not an issue at all.

                            Apart from my initial difficulties the Forum appears much better for me – basic typing and inserting images much easier.

                            There will surely be faults that others will find but overall I think it’s a good improvement so a big thanks should go to all those who must have spent many, many hours seeing the job through.

                            I have little to post about ME wise at the moment but am quite satisfied I should be able to without any real problems in coming days

                            My thanks again to all – Ramon (Tug)

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