Posted by mgnbuk on 03/01/2021 12:22:02:
Reading this makes me wonder if there is a need for some sort of homing system on manual machines.
Many DROs have this facuility as a standard feature, usually described as "Ref" or similar.
Nigel B.
Apologies for my necro-reply to this, Nigel; I've only just got round to giving it due attention.
I looked at a video corroborating what you say.
A problem I have is that, contrary to your and the video's description, there is no "ref" key on my DRO [see pic].
I'd hoped my manual might clarify what to do instead, but it doesn't really. On p.11 ["Methods of finding mechanical origin"] it says:
"Move the raster ruler to the position which is initially set up as the mechanical origin [not sure what this position is], and then enter into the select page of Segmented compensation. Choose Find_ZE and press ENT to the interface for choosing compensation method, press ENT the interior of digit display meter handles automatically. At this time finish finding the mechanical origin and quit the absolute co-ordinate system automatically."
It goes on, in a similarly cryptic style, with more instructions than I can quote here at the moment.
In order to try and get to the "Find_ZE" point indicated on p.11, I previously tried following the instructions on page 8 relating to "segmented error compensation":
1). "Move the raster ruler to the smallest end of the co-ordinate [not sure what is meant by that] and enter into ALE right-angle co-ordinate system.
2). Press X> M/1 enter into the input function of multi-segment compensation of x-axis.
3) Set the segment compensation
1). Find_ZE…"
The problem was that "Find_ZE" is not what came up on the display at this point, so I was unable to comply with the instruction on page 11 "Choose Find_ZE" , which I'd hoped might have allowed me to arrive, via an alternative route, at the outcome suggested by you and the video.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.