Printing multiple pages


Printing multiple pages

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    Howard Lyne
      From previous postings some of you seem to be able to print more than one page at a time from the digital copies but I can’t see how you do this. Can you let me in on the secret? I actually want to print a whole copy of the magazine to a PDF file using Bullzip so that I can browse it later at leisure.
      Howard Lyne
          I think it was just the one (or two) issues that you could print multiple pages at one time.
          All other issues you can (to the best of my knowledge) only print a single page at a time.
          A pain I know … but better than nothing.
          Ray Lyons
            Just checked now. I can not print any pages from the digital issues of MEW. It has been like this for some time now. Somewhere I have an invitation to take out a subscription to the digital edition of ME but I will not take that up while the printing facility is disabled
              I have Digital Subscriptions to both MEW and ME, they both use thye same viewer.
              Printing in ME is NOT disabled (and never has been), ME is like MEW you can only print 1 page at a time.
              David Clark 13
                Hi Howard
                That is exactly why printing in bulk is disabled.
                The intention of digital issues is just that, digital only.
                regards David
                  If you were allowed to print the whole issue, people would print to PDF and then give to friends or post on the Interrnet … which is why they don’t allow it or supply as pdf.
                  But printing one page at a time allows you to print several pages off to take into your workshop.
                  It would be nice if you couyld print an article off in one go though … perhaps applying a watermark to the printed copy (as Zino do)
                    Hi Howard,
                    The magazine viewer has changed from the original which was initially used on the website. With that original viewer it was possible to print out multiple pages. In the present viewer it is only possible to print out one page at a time.
                    That is probably the reason it was changed. The ‘management’ of the present owners seem paranoid that their past magazines will be stolen, plagiarised and sold. However I can actually get copies of bound ME from the postwar period from my local library for free. I can browse at leisure and cxopy articles as I wish for my personal use. Why should I pay for a digital archive?
                    I do however subscribe to MEW and have a standing order with my local newsagent (he needs the business) for ME.
                      David Clarke, I don’t mind the digital subscription concept, I never take out actual copies on paper, the reader however is by far the worst I have ever tried (I subscribe to a number of other digital magazines). It is almost useless on my android tablet. I got the digital ME edition hoping things would improve on the reader side. There was a small improvement with the “new” reader, however it is still not an enjoyable experience. I will stick to my paper MEW subscription and cancel my digital ME at the next crossroad.
                      I would be willing to pay a premium for a pdf version of the magazines. Other magazines (like Elektor, Nuts&Volts, Servo Magazine etc.) provide me with a pdf every month and I cannot understand why this is such a difficult thing for ME&MEW to do.
                      David Clark 13
                        Hi Geir
                        I don’t make the rules.
                        There is nothing I can do about it.
                        regards David
                          Hi Gier,
                          Paranoia rules.
                          Best regards
                          Harold Hall 1

                            As a contributor to the magazines, and
                            author of a number of books, I fully understand, and agree with, the
                            publishers position with regard to making issues easily available in
                            PDF format.

                            With the experience I have had
                            regarding my books, it is disappointing to see them being made
                            available as free downloads, and for two books they had not even
                            purchased a copy to scan but loaned a copy from the Barking public

                            On one occasion I visited a forum, not
                            this one, to find my books being discussed favourably but unhappy to
                            find it being suggested that it was not necessary to purchase them as
                            they were available as free downloads. In fairness to the
                            contributors to the forum, a few days later a couple of contributors
                            commented that this was neither fair to the author or the publisher
                            and should not be necessary as they are quite cheap.

                            Another example was when the latest
                            Special was published, I was using Google to find some details and
                            came across it being offered as a free download. This only a mater of
                            a couple of weeks after it first being published and being sold on this website.
                            How much easier would it be for these
                            people if they did not even have to acquire a copy and scan it
                            Harold Hall


                              Sorry Harold but I don’t entirely agree with you.

                              A book is a bit different to a magazine. In either case if I have purchased a book or a magazine I can legally give it to someone else or sell it.

                              If the ‘Powers that be’ only did pdf’s for older magazines, really there is little difference.

                              I personally think it is the publishers greed that doesn’t let them make past issues available for free. After all they have made their money on the issues that they have sold. Back issues as paper copies are slightly different as there is a cost in printing, and storage.

                              So my point is that FREE pdf versions should be freely available for back issues that have a slight age, but current issues should not necessarily be available under the same system.

                              Books on the other hand are not in the same position as they have a much longer shelf life.

                              The current situation is just silly, as anyone can still print a whole magazine to pdf, even if it is done page by page, and if it wasn’t available on this web site I could still scan it from the magazine itself. (As I could do from a book if so inclined!)



                              Leeds UK

                              Harold Hall 1

                                Thanks Keith for your comments with
                                which I have some agreement. I have not followed in depth the threads
                                on the subject so perhaps I have not fully understood what is being
                                asked for.

                                I understood that some who had a
                                digital only subscription wished to make paper copies from PDFs soon
                                after they had first been published. However, being in PDF format
                                could then also make them easily available to a large number of
                                people. You say you can sell or give your copy to another but it is
                                still just one copy, in digital form it could be hundreds.

                                Your idea of a some form of time delay
                                before complete prints or digital copies can be easily made was
                                something I had in mind and is something I agree with, perhaps a year
                                or as little as 6 months. How the present method could deal with this
                                I do not know but is of course quite possible.

                                Thanks again


                                Edited By Harold Hall 1 on 22/09/2011 09:07:15

                                  I share Mr Halls concerns over net-piracy, however I do not believe that the fight against this kind of criminal activity will ever be won by refusing to publish electronically, or by limiting the accessibility for those who are willing to pay for the electronic content.
                                  I do not mind some kind of watermarking or DRM (content protection) as intermediate solutions while we figure out how the publishing economy in the 21st century should be. I want access to the newest magazines and the newest books in a usable digital format without any time delay, using technology that works on a wide variety of digital platforms.
                                  It is the up to the authors and the publishers to find business models that are sustainable in a digital world. I believe that given a little time those that refuse to adapt to the realities of this new market will not be very successful.The bottom line is that our everyday lives is becoming more and more adapted to the digital possibilities, and we (the consumers) will not accept sub par services in the digital domain.
                                  michael howarth 1
                                    It occurred me a few days ago, what a knowledgeable, helpful and generous-hearted bunch the ME forum lot are. I wondered – not that anyone is counting- what value could be put on the advice and assistance, shared and given freely, and with no strings attached, on a daily basis, were it to be measured on the same basis as other professional consultancy rates.
                                    What a pity it is that others, who seem to be indulging in petty meanness, could not take from some of the goodwill exhibited on this forum.


                                      Reference my previous post, if the older magazines were available for free, there would be no point in anybody selling them!



                                      Leeds UK

                                      Howard Lyne
                                        Thanks to everyone for their replies and my apologies for stirring up a “mini-hornets nest”. It’s a bit of a relief to know that I haven’t missed something (which is often the case with modern PC software) and I can appreciate the commercial arguments with regard to disabling printing multiple copies. I guess I must have read postings relating to earlier releases of the digital viewing software.
                                        As I suffer from very low broadband speeds viewing the digital copies live can be a rather tedious affair and I was hoping to be able to download copies while I was more gainfully employed and view them later. I guess I’ll have to put up with it until the promised roll-out of enhanced broadband arrives in this area (rural Devon). I am reconciled to a long wait!
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