Hi all
Gosh where have those three years gone,
Anyway here are some pictures of my oh so nearly finished Princess Marina. Right now the paint is hardening before varnishing. Boiler is fully certificated and trial run a couple of times with limited success. It helps to actually connect the LHS steam pipe!!

The valves are piston type from Martin Evan's Euson Design. And a Stanier tender for a Stanier loco not the old Midland ones in prototype which were too narrow and looked absurd.
Here is the split smokebox which greatly helped the pipework. Sealed well with golden loctite.

This is the backhead.

Here are the loco pipework connections.

Finally the pipework under the tender note the use of commercial banjos and motorcycle fuel filters although l have upgraded these to removable cartridge ones.

Best wishes to all as many have assisted me in developing this design.