Hi John, I can remember my father getting Newnes "Complete Engineer" which came in 40 weekly parts, each part had a number of pages from four volumes. This was either the late 50's or early 60's and each part came with a data sheet, I have all these parts and data sheets, but they are not all what my father collected, so I'm guessing some of them went missing over the years.

However, I also have four bound volumes of Newnes "Complete Electrical Engineer" which were also my fathers' these have always been bound all my know life, but I guess they were published in 48 parts because there were 48 data sheets that accompanied them, which I have all but No. 44.

So I don't know if these "Complete Electrical Engineer" volumes are the same publication that you are enquiring about. The four volumes contain 3056 pages including the index, plus 2 errata pages in volume four. Although there are no dates that I have found, I would think that these were published around 1930/40's
Regards Nick..