Posted by Peter G. Shaw on 26/04/2010 12:28:19:
You are quite right about the cookies – I had forgotten them. Probably in part because I, along with a lot of other junk, disable them as much as possible. I have strong objections to other people placing stuff on MY computer without MY permission, and that includes Microsoft!
Yeah …. but …. if you take that to its logical conclusion you’d have to disable a whole bunch of stuff that writes to your computer much more comprehensively than cookies, including java, javascript,, flash, active-x etc. And frankly these days doing that pretty much means you can’t browse the web meaningfully at all.
I prefer to take a more pragmatic approach by an outright ban on known rogue sites (using a comprehensive hosts file, regularly updated, amongst other things) and configure default security settings that give me a high degree of protection from the rest. Then I allow looser settings for specific sites. (Active-X which I consider very dangerous is, of course turned off globally except for one or two trusted sites).
As far as cookies go I do allow them by default (from the non-banned sites) …but not third-party cookies. (Thus I would accept a cookie from, say, but not from one of its advertisers accessed through the ME site.) I can then ban cookies from specific sites if I want. (Or I could simply turn off cookies by default and allow them on an individual site basis).
If I turned cookies off completely a number of (what I consider essential) sites simply wouldn’t work. Online banking for example.
My browser for all this is mostly Firefox but my IE is also set up in similar fashion.