Some years ago I had a digital subscription to MEW when PocketMags came on board. I duly set up the Pocketmags (PM) account and started receiving the mags.
Then I let that subscription lapse – but retained the PM installation on my computer to access the mags.
Recently, since MEW seems to have 'turned a corner' (thanks, Neil !) I took out a new subscription. However, I can't access these issues with my current PM installation since the subscription number is different.
So how do I access these mags (in PM – I know I can access them on line)? Can I add a second subscription to my PM installation (it would have to be an addition, not a replacement, since I don't want to lose access to the old mags)? Do I need to create a second PM account and installation for the new mags? Is that even possible (to have two PM installations on the same computer)?