Poblems saving IGS Files inTurbocad Pro Platinum


Poblems saving IGS Files inTurbocad Pro Platinum

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  • #178433
    Bob Rodgerson

      A few days ago I uploaded an update to Turbocad Platinum Pro, since doing so I have lost all 3d Features of any drawings saved as an IGS file. Have I reloaded the wrong version ie. 64 bit instead of 32 bit .

      I have allways had sme kind of alert telling me that all features may not be loaded when saving in this format but it has, until the upgrade, kept full features.

      My CAM programme (Sprutcam) says it accepts dxf files and DWG files which I believe are native to Turbocad but for whtever reason it refuses to play ball with theese files, hence the reason for using IGS files.

      Any help would be appreciated.

      Bob Rodgerson

        Loss of 3D Features When Saving Drawing as IGS file.

        Trevor Wright


          I am not familiar with Turbocad, but dxf and dwg files are 2d formats while IGS are full 3d.

          Perhaps another 3d format – stp, stl, parasolid – may be better. It is not clear from your post whether Sprutcam cannot handle dxf/dwg or IGS.

          64 bit or 32 bit usually refers to your operating system ie Windows7 64bit or XP 32 bit. If you are on windows7 then turbocad will want to have a 64 bit upgrade


          John Stevenson 1


            There are also 3D DXF files but other than that can't help you as don't have the top end Turbocad program or Sprutcam.

            Neil Wyatt

              Crikey! I'd never heard of IGS (IGES) files. Apparently it is used to ensure files will always be readable in the future. They are 80-column punched card compatible and use Hollerith constants for text.

              <at this point I had a flashback to F0RTRAN 66 and was physically sick…>

              Turbocad's native format is TCW, but it handles DXF and DWG very well. I just did a quick test with a 3D cylinder and saved it as a TCW, a DXF and a DWG, and it re-opened as the same 3D object from both formats, although the construction details were a little different in the DXF & DWG (instead of an extruded 12-side prism, it became 12 wedges filling the same space).

              I've got TurboCAD 21 Deluxe, which hasn't got IGS.



                In what version of Turbocad did you create the original drawings? If you jump too many upgrades in one leap problems can be caused.

                When saving DXFs from Tcad there are five flavours of DXF to choose from, apart from 9 tick boxes and the decimal precision. These sometimes need tweaking depending on the program that is going to accept the file.


                Bob Rodgerson

                  Hi Neil/John/Trevor & Pete,

                  sorry for the delay in replying. I know that prior to me updating TurboCad the files I had saved as IGS worked OK in Sprut Cam and when I opened TurboCad I could re-load the drawings and they kept their 3D attributes. The version of TurboCad I have is TurboCad 21 Pro Platinum and it is fully updated and my computer is retuning the dreaded Windows 8.

                  I did save a couple of drawings as DXF and these seem to load OK. I will try a couple of simple 3D drawings saving them in various formats to see how well Sprutcam handles them and let you know how I get on. I would prefer it if I can get DXF files to run properly.

                  Meantime I had great success fixing the electrics on my Velocette, I replaced the ammeter, tightened up the light switch, and fitted a new solenoid for the starter. Now it starts on the button and all the lights work apart from the rear light which needs a new bulb. Next bike for some treatment will be the BSA Gold Star, no electric start on this one just a hefty swing on the kick starter being careful to set the timing a bit retarded.

                  John Stevenson 1


                    It could be down to Windows 8.

                    This guy is also having problems with it.


                    Well worth watching..

                    Neil Wyatt

                      > computer is retuning the dreaded Windows 8.

                      I seriously advising you take the free update to W 8.1. It seems to be much more stable – programs I had to run in compatibility mode under 8 (and Vista) now run as normal.


                      Bob Rodgerson

                        Hi john,

                        In his day he would use Windows 8 as a form of punishment.


                        Bob Rodgerson

                          Hi Neil,

                          My laptop is currently running W 8.1


                          Mark Simpson 1


                            STP (STEP) is the most "standard" of the neutral interfaces, and about 20 years younger than IGES. Both are neutral formats; but right now there is a lot more effort put into reading and writing STEP… it's a pretty intelligent format unless you are transferring parametric 3D…. Typically contains intelligent representations of the geometry

                            Your TurboCAD reads and writes DXF and DWG, (both of which can contain 3D Data) the format of which is proprietary to Autodesk, though there are some good tools to read them it remains the property of Autodesk. The 3d native data is not so smart, but it can also embed other formats like Autodesk inventor. Turbocad's main business is to be an Autocad clone (and it's very good at it)

                            STL, VRML, Collada are just facet formats, ok for 3D printing and viewing but with no intelligence, no smooth curves…. last resort

                            Cheers Mark

                            in Summary, in my opinion anyway… STP (STEP) should be your first choice for 3D geometry transfer, then IGES, then the proprietary ones…


                              Hi – One of the problems with Turbocad is the if you us a Professional programme to draw the original and then update to Platinum of a higher number (more recent issue), then it is more than likely that the new programme will not read all the old machine instructions (code) as the Platinum usually has less inbuilt functions ( one of which is loading, reading and saving certain 3D formats) – Ive had similar problems.

                              [ Turbocad user for well over 20 years – since Issue 3 Professional ]

                              Bob Rodgerson

                                Hi Mark,

                                I see that STEP is a supported file format so I will give it a try and see if all works OK.

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