I've recently sold my ML7 via the for sale section of the site and I can report it was a positive experience.
I did contact (then) 3 Wanted adverts, via the PM system, all of which appeared genuine, but were not of interest.
Fortunately – I wasn't asked to photograph the ML7 balanced on parts of my anatomy.
Steve Sharman reminds us "to NEVER give out your email address on a public forum" very good advice indeed, but your telephone number is just as precious. Looking at a random selection of current adverts some land-line numbers and mobile numbers are available to browsers, once registered and logged in.
For my advert, I purchased a Pay-As-You go Sim/Telephone number from Vodafone for £10 including £10 worth of calls. I used this new telephone number in the advert for initial contact with potential purchasers.
I realise that for small value items this might be over-the-top, where scammers are probably more interested in higher returns. You cannot be too careful, the rogues are our there waiting to pounce.
What did surprise me was that no personal details were required to purchase the Sim, which I could have bought for cash, no questions asked. So, apart from CCTV images of the transaction in the shop, purchasing a Sim is all but untraceable.