This is the only forum to which I go to daily, all the others are an infrequent visit to see what has been going on.
MOST forums are eventually boring because they cover the same old material ad nausium,
Archery forums, photography forums (don't get me started on these!), amateur radio etc etc etc
For the latter is a much better option.
Forum software – ALWAYS causes controversy, personally I like the format, easy to read, easy to find what you want, looks good (to me), easy to upload photos once you know the process (album first, forum post second)
No one is saying it is perfect, it is what it is.
If you don't like it, go elseware or design your own so we can compare, changing for changes sake is NOT the reason for changeing anything.
to put an end to this nonsense lets have a poll, change the forum or leave as is, I would suspect the latter.
It is NOT that I am against change, having an open mind is needed as much as an enquiring mind, AGE has nothing to do with it.
Like others have said, I have seen lots of forums update their soiftware and ALWAYS (to me!) for the worst, with adverts interspersed with the forum posts as an example.
This subject is not the first time it has been raised, with the same old tired remarks.
For me, it is not how the forum looks (I like it!) but more about the content and the people.
Long live this forum as it is.