Plans for updating the archaic forum?


Plans for updating the archaic forum?

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions Plans for updating the archaic forum?

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  • #506581
    Lee Jones 6

      Has anyone spoken about replacing the forum software recently?

      Honestly, without exaggeration, it's the worst platform I've worked with.

      I assume there are historical/legacy reasons why it's still being used, but still – time for an upgrade?


      Lee Jones 6

          I think most niche interest, free to use forums are based on very similar platforms. They don't have the advertising revenue generated by having milions of users and in many cases rely on the generosity of one main sponser. Upgraded software and servers and bandwidth all cost. I wouldn't complain too much, rather, be gratefull someone else has seen fit to pay for and run the site for the benefit of the likes of me and you.

          Nigel Graham 2

            Replacement or "up-grade"?

            Different things.

            It might help the managers give you what you want, if you actually specify what you see as potential improvements or faults and suggest the appropriate amendments or corrections.

            The only beef I have with it, is that sometimes the logging-on routine seems to stick to one thread. I've not worked out the pattern to this, and not seen it recently so I might have learnt the right logging-on order subconsciously.

            As for "archaic", that adjective is meaningless because it is of age not efficacy. My oldest lathe is probably of 1950s vintage but excepting wear it does all it needs to do. My shaper may be over 100 – but it still works very well.


              I visit other Forums from time to time – and I don't think they are that different or indeed any better.

              In fact in many ways, I prefer this one.

              I am of course "very, very old" (My Grandsons description of me), so obviously know nothing about these things



                Works very well for me. Sensible sized text with good contrast out of the box, easy link to the new posts, hosts photos easily, don't have to wear out my scroll wheel getting to the text, not too much empty wasted space on my screen.
                Way better than HSM forum software, about the same as Modelboatmayhem, so what is the opposite of archaic, modern? Can the OP point us to the ideal platform example? (needs to be some link that actually lets you in without agreeing to them sucking all the data out of your hard drive and bombarding you with adverts for the rest of your life)


                  What Bazyle said.

                  George B.

                  ( And I'm gradually learning to ignore the constant flickering down the right hand side of the screen.)

                  Stuart Smith 5

                    I must admit I like the format of this forum.

                    Just because it is not as ‘modern’ as some others doesn’t mean that it needs to be changed.

                    Just my view.


                    Robert Butler

                      It is what it is and as far as I am aware there is no compulsion to use the Forum.

                      Robert Butler

                      David Colwill

                        The owners of the site are very protective of it and don't take kindly to such suggestions. I believe that there are provisions in the terms and conditions to allow heretics that make said suggestions to be tarred and feathered. Expect judgement to be delivered by carrier pigeon.



                        Andrew Tinsley

                          Nowt wrong with the forum format. I actually like it. If you want to upgrade it, then offer to pay for the upgrade. When you see the cost you might have second thoughts.

                          It is simple and straightforward to use, without any serious quirks, best of all, it is free to end users like us. Thank you MEW, ME and advertisers, your efforts are appreciated.


                          Grindstone Cowboy

                            As I said last time this subject was raised, I like it how it is.


                            colin brannigan

                              I am happy with it as is, but what do I know.



                                I feel the same as many, suits me and all is clear easy reading, many of the other forums I use are more modern platforms but you get about 2 messages per screen.

                                If it does what's expected why change ?



                                  Sorry Lee : but I am with the above majority, I too prefer the simplicity.
                                  So for me "It ain't broke so don't fix it".   Agree with Georgineer on the "constant flickering".
                                  I dangle a sheet of thick paper from the top of the screen to blank out the annoyance.
                                  Plus : given all that I don't know, or have forgotten, I gain so much from reading the variety of posts.



                                  Edited By MK_Chris on 10/11/2020 23:20:48


                                    It's perfect for my one hamsterpower computer and windows XP

                                    The constant updating and messing about of the user interface by nothing-better-to-do people on ebay has massively reduced the amount of time I spend browsing on that site

                                    Still don;t use a smartphone, but I phone people every day on my mobile dumbphone

                                    Edited By Ady1 on 10/11/2020 23:31:39

                                    Nicholas Farr

                                      Hi, it works OK for me also.

                                      Regards Nick.


                                        Don't forget, it's not just changing the platform, in the way that updating to a newer version of vBulletin would work.
                                        There's also the more major consideration of importing all the historic posts from this forum without breaking the structure.
                                        That's time consuming and costly, particularly as this forum is likely hosted on custom software.



                                          Plus you've got a bunch of old duffers who have to relearn how to work the new system

                                          Yahoo had a MASSIVE following

                                          Then some self-appointed-genius-with-a-degree came along and messed it all up bigtime


                                            They've gone changed it again tonite! omg I hate ebay… inconvenience-bay

                                            can't be bothered tonite, will go back tomorrow and figure it out

                                            Paul Lousick

                                              It works for me and it's free to use. So I can't complain. thumbs up


                                              Joseph Noci 1

                                                Oh Dear…Are you here for the hobby or for the Bling??

                                                Honestly, without exaggeration, it's the worst platform I've worked with.

                                                The owners of the site are very protective of it and don't take kindly to such suggestions. I believe that there are provisions in the terms and conditions to allow heretics that make said suggestions to be tarred and feathered. Expect judgement to be delivered by carrier pigeon.

                                                No problem commenting on the platform I suppose – free speech and all that – but come on don't contribute anything to the platform other than hope for an ego trip posting what you did today, it costs you naught, there is no member qualification, etc..Do you complain to Google about something on their platform that niggles you?

                                                If the platform really gets your goat, you are free to go elsewhere …


                                                Edited By Joseph Noci 1 on 11/11/2020 05:42:06

                                                michael howarth 1

                                                  Honestly, without exaggeration, this is the best platform that I have worked with.

                                                  Mick H

                                                  jaCK Hobson

                                                    Significant change would be significant effort and risk.

                                                    "if it ain't bust, then don't fix it!"… there are a few people who seem to struggle with adding photos. If it was easier we might get more photos which would be nice. But if this needs a change to a new platform then, 'no rush'.

                                                    Joseph Noci 1
                                                      Posted by jaCK Hobson on 11/11/2020 08:04:55:

                                                      Significant change would be significant effort and risk.

                                                      "if it ain't bust, then don't fix it!"… there are a few people who seem to struggle with adding photos. If it was easier we might get more photos which would be nice. But if this needs a change to a new platform then, 'no rush'.

                                                      jaCK, what do mean by easier? I know it is different to just dropping photos inline with your posting, ie, you have to first put them in an album, but I think that has a very positive effect – Makes one consider what photo you are putting into the text, and that it is worth it – and people put lots of photos in albums, lots more than they post about, and its easy to go have a deeper look if interested. It helps a lot in focusing the posts to the subject in the posted photo I think.

                                                      And it does not dissuade the posting of photos at all – I mean, I have nearly 1000 photos in albums…

                                                      Every other site has its compromises – as does life..


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