Plans for Stirling Single needed (2 sheets), 5″ gauge


Plans for Stirling Single needed (2 sheets), 5″ gauge

Home Forums Locomotives Plans for Stirling Single needed (2 sheets), 5″ gauge

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  • #739776
    Stuart Ord

      I’ve bought a mainly complete project of this loco. I was given a set of plans with it, but alas it’s missing 2 sheets –

      #1 – General arrangement, loco

      #13 – Boiler shell

      These are not the plans currently on sale by Reeves which are on 11 sheets – my last sheet is #18. It seems these are an older drawing, as they were made by Reeves but show an address in Moseley.

      Can anyone sell or loan me these sheets, please?

      Thanks, Stuart

      Clive Brown 1

        If you have the original Scarth / Reeves drawings, from the early ’70s, they are full of errors, as a friend of mine discovered years ago. He completed his model by using a set of Clarkson drawings. Reeves later redrew their design, with corrections, after many complaints. It seems likely that the current Reeves plans are compatible with the originals, on which they are based AFAIK.

        Stuart Ord

          Hi Clive, many thanks for that information.

          I looked for those new words on the drawings, but could find none, so I’m not sure what version they are. I’ve not studied them closely, they might not even be the plans that the loco was built from, the seller (a dealer, not the maker) just gave me them as the loco is unfinished, as he had a number of Stirling Single drawings to hand. This looked like a complete set, until I checked later.

          Sounds like I should just buy the current Reeves sheets to fill the gap. I’ll have another word with them and order appropriately.


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