Plans for 3.5″ gauge Vera


Plans for 3.5″ gauge Vera

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions Plans for 3.5″ gauge Vera

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  • #453714
    Adam Clarke

      I have a set of plans for a 3.5" gauge 060 Reeves loco "Vera" which my Grandfather started before losing his sight, but 2 of the sheets had been damaged and torn. I have spoken to Reeves but they have no information on this model, apparently last shown in catalogue 1972!

      If anyone has plans for this loco, and would be prepared to copy the 2 sheets that I require please contact me.

      Thank you. Adam Clarke

      Adam Clarke

        3.5″ gauge LBSC Reeves “Vera” plans

        Nick Clarke 3

          Only negative information, I'm afraid, but this was a Reeves exclusive and never apparently published in the Model Engineering press which narrows your options down a bit.

          On the other hand – LBSC frequently 'reused' components so do you know what is on the missing sheets and can this be borrowed from another design?


            If ONLY damaged and torn, they could be scanned and repaired and reprinted from a PDF.

            Regards Ian.

            Adam Clarke

              I had the original blueprints reverse copied, but the missing sections are smokebox side elevation with dimensions and full side elevation smokebox forward.

              Former Member

                [This posting has been removed]


                  "Piece missing" would have been a more accurate posting, BUT another example when the big "C" word needs a good kicking. Hopefully, someone may respond and one of "Grandfathers legacy" hasn't been filed at the local recycling centre.

                  One of the late Sir John's projects was stymied due to stupidity by "The Authorities".

                  Regards Ian

                  Simon Cook

                    Adam, it's your lucky day.

                    I have an in ticket Vera, and a complete set of drawings. I'm not the original builder, just the current custodian. I'll send you a pm.


                    Luke eastwood

                      simon cook hi ive just brought a vera dating from 1951 i would be very gratefull if you could send me a copy off the plans i have been looking for weeks and cant get none at all ,thank you

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