Pixie feeder MEW 203


Pixie feeder MEW 203

Home Forums Model Engineer & Workshop Pixie feeder MEW 203

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  • #130272
    Reginald Alders 1

      Has anyone built the Pixie feeder from Mew 203 and how easy is it to put together .

      Reginald Alders 1

        Assembly of Pixie feeder

        Paul Barrett

          I built it after buying the printed circuit board. It is easy enough to build although the article does not quite explain it all. I found it very limited on the speed it would drive a stepper. I certainly could not get it to operate it as described in the article despite messing about with the program. I was also interested in the rotary table program thinking it would make a programmable indexer but in the end I bought a rotary table module from steve ward and built my own which does everything i want.

          Reginald Alders 1

            Many thanks Paul. I also thought about using it on an indexing head to cut gears. I will probably not bother now . Does Steve Ward have a website

            John Stevenson 1



              Steve Wards web site.


              This thread is also a good read.



              Edited By John Stevenson on 21/09/2013 10:52:22

              Edited By John Stevenson on 21/09/2013 18:31:22

              Paul Barrett


                I have just used the steve ward indexer module to engrave a new dial for my lathe. I wanted 100 divs which would be 3.6 deg or 3 deg 48 mins. With the indexer you can either set divs or degrees and it is so simle. I think mine worked out about £80 complete.I bought the module and keyboard from steve. got the case from rapid electronics and the stepper module from ebay. I fitted it all in the case and made my own overlay. I also stuck a 40mm fan inside as well as the heatsinks get a little warm. Power supply came from an old laptop charger.

                I have some pics if you are interested.


                Reginald Alders 1

                  Paul. sounds like an bargain. do you have the link to Steve Wards website, I tried John Stevensons link but it didn't work. Could I have a look at the Pics


                  John Stevenson 1

                    Link now fixed – sorry

                    Paul Barrett


                      I have sent you a pm.


                      Reginald Alders 1

                        Many thanks Paul i've looked at your pics and some demos on youtube so I have been on Steve Wards website and ordered the indexer module , All i have to do is find the time to assemble it when it arrives. Also many thanks John for your help . I will keep you posted when I get around to assembling it


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