Thanks for suggestions – a few things to try. A couple of further questions about about the binding wire approach though.
First, what gauge of wire would be appropriate? The discs are 1.5" dia x 3/8" thick,the 'struts' are 3/8 x 3/16" to give an idea of scale. I see Cookson do 0.69mm binding wire, presumably for this kind of thing.
Second, why doesn't the wire stick to the work? I use Silver-flo 55 with Tenacity 5 flux which works well for steel parts as well as brass – is there something different about soft iron?
Georg49 – thanks for your input. It's likely that the design will change – my drawing was really meant to illustrate a general problem which I think I need to solve as I strive to tart up my work. It look's like you're a new member – if so, welcome.