Posted by AdrianR on 25/04/2020 08:25:01:
I am no Chemist, just A level many many moons ago.
I have been looking at the Sodium Bisulphate (Sodium Hydrogen Sulphate) Hydrogen Peroxide mix and what effect it has on brass and scale.
After much searching I found this paper
It looks at the dezincification of brass using various concentrations and temperature. However they do acidify the solution with sulphuric acid.
Cracking find Adrian!
But I read it as a study into enhanced de-zincification, that is it shows adding Oxygen in the form of Hydrogen Peroxide, increases the rate and penetration of de-zincification. In other words, adding Hydrogen Peroxide makes an acid pickle even more unsuitable for use on Brass.
I guessed Hydrogen Peroxide was a bleach, but from this paper it seems adding Hydrogen Peroxide to an acid pickle makes it stronger, so well worth trying Peroxide on Steel or Copper. But definitely not on anything with Zinc in it, like Brass.
Nicolas mentions success with 70% Sulphuric Acid. Yes, because Zinc, and other metals, don't react with Concentrated Sulphuric Acid. Water is needed to release the ions necessary to the reaction. Counter-intuitively, although concentrated Sulphuric Acid can be stored in a steel drum, dilute Sulphuric Acid attacks it.
What's needed in a pickle is a mixture that removes oxides and other crud whilst leaving the underlying metal well alone. A tricky balance.