I'm planning on this thread being picture heavy and as much a diary of an inexperienced guy feeling his way through the build. Hopefully I'll find some more pointers along the way for the next guy following and hopefully not too many 'in hindsight'.
Everyone has their own way of working. I'm going to have to plod. I don't have the mindset to duck and dive on different bits so I'm just plodding through the build book and this report is while I'm sitting waiting for the saw to cut a large piece of scrap rusty hot-roll for my first former.
The boiler barrel first. This was a 12" piece of tube cut to the required length. I chose to cut that on the bandsaw and that really sliced through fast.
Two wooden plugs spaced by all-thread are to be fixed inside temporarily. I have some pieces of silver birch from my woodland that has sat in the shed for 4 years. It turned beautifully.. almost a waste to use it for this but i have plenty.

I centre drilled and drilled these through and actually threaded them M8 before parting off 25mm wide pieces. I had to over-drill one threaded hole to 8mm when i realised that a firm fit couldn't be twisted into place but had to be tapped down the all-thread. All-thread centre-drilled at one end for tailstock support.
Back in the lathe for squaring the ends and marking out. It was only when marking out i realised i had been a bit rash in assuming the 3-jaw would centre and hold this parallel to the axis without checking and i suppose I was lucky that there was less than 1mm deviation at the tailstock end when marking out from the viewpoint of the toolholder scribe touching the work.
If I ever make another then I must remember to dial and bump it in. Bt i got away with it.

The cut out was hand-sawn and filed. I left the corners curved as suggested for final fitting later and sawed leaving the scribe line intact again for possible adjustment.

The throatplate is next but it's going to take a while to turn this hot-roll into a nice former. I have a large supply by way of local scrappy and I'm in no rush so we'll save pennies where possible.