The RCD "Residual Current Device" disconnects when it detects an imbalance between line and neutral currents. The imbalance means current is flowing to earth. To an electrical engineer used to managing power, earth current indicates an electrical fault. RCDs are quite sensitive, set on the assumption that the fault current is flowing through a human being, and because 30mA is dangerous to health, they disconnect quickly – a few tens of milliseconds.
When an RCD triggers, it's important to ensure the earth fault isn't genuine, perhaps caused by the failure ancient rubber insulation, damp, frayed cables, broken connections, or other wiring faults.
However, the problem can be innocent. Enter villain stage left. It's an electronics engineer! He has a legitimate need to bleed small currents to earth. All electronic devices in the home will be fitted with suppressor capacitors, arranged to short interfering high-frequency currents to earth. Unfortunately, suppressors also allow a tiny amount of 50Hz current to flow as well. As a modern home contains dozens of electronic devices, it's possible for them to collectively leak tens of milliamperes and take the RCD close to it's trigger point. Powerful electronics, like microwaves and VFDs leak more earth current than tiddlers like TV sets, and are therefore more likely to pop the RCD.
I suspect the friend's house has an existing high level of legitimate earth leakage, and switching on both VFDs takes his RCD over the top. Proper EMC filters leak more current than basic suppressors.
I thought some of the newer cheapo mains testers measured earth leakage, but I couldn't find one on Amazon. Perhaps I dreamt it! Looks like a more expensive clamp meter is needed. Positioned on the device's earth wire, it will show if the problem is local. Positioned at the consumer unit it will show total leakage. The most leaky devices can be identified by unplugging them.
A 'competent person' could do the tests by wiring in great-grandad's AVO. Not recommended – it's the sort of dodgy job that zaps professionals. Clamp meters are much safer!
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 24/09/2023 12:42:39